INAF queue observing, 2018 November 09-10
Observer: R. Carini, M. Faccini
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzal-Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: MODS1, LUCI2
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 1:15-12:45 UT =
11h 30m
Observing time:
8h 0min (70%)
Weather time loss:
3h 0m (26%)
technical time loss
0h 30m (4%)
Data Summary
At the sunset the sky is mostly clear, wind between 5 - 10 m/s (front - rear) , humidity about 60%
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Testa A |
MODS 1 ls |
dual grating |
0.97/3 h |
mods1r.0005-0007,mods1b.0001-0003 |
the second and third images have seeing out of specific |
Antoniucci |
V733 Cep |
mods1 ls |
dual grating |
0.5/0.5 |
mods1r.0011-0014, mods1b.0004-0007 |
completed |
standard |
BD+28 |
mods1 ls |
red and dual grating |
mods1r.0020-0022,mods1b.0008-0010 |
Fabrizio shall1 |
Tri II |
mods1 mos |
dual grating |
0.5/0.5 |
mods1r.0026,mods1b.0011 |
completed |
Fabrizio shall2 |
Tri II |
mods1 mos |
dual grating |
0.5/0.5 |
mods1r.0030,mods1b.0012 |
completed |
Perna telluric |
HIP16111 |
luci2 mos |
zjspec |
luci2.0029-0032 |
Perna |
RCSGA327 |
luci2 mos |
zjspec |
0.6/3.0 h |
luci2.0039-0053 |
completed |
Nisini |
field 3 |
luci2 ima |
J, H, Ks |
0.1 |
luci2.0054-0079 |
completed |
Pinna |
field3 |
HD16760 |
luci2 AO |
Ks |
luci2.0080-0088 |
Calibration MODS
- bias
Calibration LUCI 1 & 2
- dark
- 1X160
- 5X45
- 20X2.5
- 25X2.5
- 1X2.5
00:30 TO opens the dome
00:52 AO test
01:20 TO start the collimation on the target Testa A.
01:38 start with the target Testa A
- acq
- sci
- seeing 0.95"
- 02:34 seeing is increasing 1.2"-1.3" ( during the integration of the second image)
- clouds are coming, the second image is not good
- 02:40 seeing 1.0'
- 02:48 seeing very variable (1,0"-1.4") due to clouds that come and go
- there are too many clouds, we stop the integration, also the last image is not good (we stopped 2 minuts before the end of the script)
03:05 slew to Antoniucci, target V733 Cep
- acq
- sci
mods1r.0011-0014, mods1b.0004-0007
- seeing 1.2" on dimm (the clouds are thinner in this part of the sky )
- 03:25 seeing about 1.0"-1.1"
- 03:34 seeing 0.9" 1.0"
- the clouds are just on the horizont
03:44 slew to standard BD+28
- acq
- sci red grating
- seeing 0.9"
- dual grating
- 04:04 seeing 0.8
04:14 slew to Fabrizio program,
- acq
- 04:32 execMODS Shall1.ob
- seeign about 1.00"
05:10 Shall2
- acq
- 05:21 sci
- seeing about 1.0"
- 05:32 seeng 1.0-1.1"on the dimm, fwhm= 0.8"-0.9"
05:55 swith LUCI2.
06:09 telluric for Perna HIP16111
- acq
- sci --luci2.0029-0032==
- seeing 1.0"
06:24 slew to target of perna RCSGA327
- acq
- 06:45 send science, but there is an error about detector focus
- we re-initialize the detector focus, resent the confinguration and sent again the science. the script works
- SA suggest to stop, and follow again the procedure adding the step to toggle filter back and forth, because after initializing the detector focus, the detector focus does not go to the correct one for the filter+camera combination unless the filter+camera is sent again.
- 06:58 we follow the procedure
- 07:00 start again the script. we are not sure the quality of the images luci2.0039-0040
- seeing 0.8"
- 07:28 SA check the quality of the first images and said that are ok!!!
07:40 slew to Nisini program, field 3, imaging
- error, loaded the script for both luci
- send again the script just for luci2.
- fwhm about 0.6"
08:20 telluric Nisini
08:35 the seeing is good, we slew to AO, target of Pinna HD16760. We take again the data in the filters Ks and H2 to complet the target!!!!The PI said that the first images in H2 and Fe taken two days ago were good.
- 08:40 send the preset
- 08:42 error AO
- 08:48 send again the script
- 09:00 loop closed, the integration starts
- fwhm 0.74, estimated mag 8.9
- 09:13 dimm 0.9", wfs 0.94", fwhm 0.68", estimated magnitude 9
- 09:14 SA put the subwindow
- the SA takes a test image, there is an error in the giers and she can not see the image.
- 09:28 script sent with the subwindow.
- 09:29 error.
- SA try to uderstand and solve the issue operating on LUCI by remote terminal
09:41 TO closes the dome for the humidity, it rices 95%.
- Temperture at the dew point is about -1.8 C.
- external temperature is about -0.8 C
- we will wait until the humidity decreases to less then 90% and remains at that level for almost 30 minutes to open the dome again.
- Fabrizio flat + lamp mods.16.Tri2Fab.mms, shall2
- Fabrizio flat + lamp mods.19.Tri2Fab.mms, shall1
- Testa flat 1 arcsec
- Testa arc 1 arsec
- Fabrizio flat + lamp mask ID592936
mods1r.0045-0049, mods1b.0027-0031
- Fabrizio flat + lamp mask ID551423,deep2
mods1r.0050-0054, mods1b.0032-36
- Mods2 stuck, we update the gui and everything works
- Mancini H47-cal-wave-MODS2-blue.txt
mods1r.0055-0059, mods1b.0037-0041
no good
- Mancini H47-MOS-flat-MODS1.txt
mods1r.0060-0069, mods1b.0042-0051
- Mancini slitless
no good