INAF queue observing, 2018 October 19-20
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Giunta
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzal-Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson (on call)
At the sunset the sky is clear, but Humidity is above the limit, now at 1:00 is 96.2% and variable.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 1:40-12:30 UT =
10 h 50m
Observing time:
0h 0min 0(%)
Weather time loss:
10h 50m 100(%)
technical time loss
0h 0m 0(%)
Data Summary
1:58 starting dakrs for LUCI1+2
- Ves263 dit=30, ndit=1, save=norm,readout=mer, for zJspec
luci1.20181020.0011-0015, luci2.20181020.0001-0005
- Ves263 dit=20, ndit=1, save=norm,readout=mer, for Hkspec
luci1.20181020.0016-0020, luci2.20181020.0006-0010
- tell (HD193884) dit=2.75, ndit=3, save=int,readout=lir, for zJspec and Hkspec
luci1.20181020.0021-0025, luci2.20181020.0011-0015
(anche HIP116229)
- V733cep dit=40, ndit=1, save=norm,readout=mer, for zJspec
luci1.20181020.0026-0030, luci2.20181020.0016-0020
- V733cep dit=15, ndit=1, save=norm,readout=mer, for HKspec
luci1.20181020.0031-0035, luci2.20181020.0021-0025
(anche Ves691 HKspec)
- V2493Cyg dit=150, ndit=1, save=norm,readout=mer, for zJspec
luci1.20181020.0036-0040, luci2.20181020.0026-0030
- V2493Cyg dit=60, ndit=1, save=norm,readout=mer, for HKspec
luci1.20181020.0041-0045, luci2.20181020.0031-0035
- Ves691 dit=25, ndit=1, save=norm,readout=mer, for zJspec
luci1.20181020.0046-0050, luci2.20181020.0036-0040
3:38 starting Moretti MODs calibration
- flat redgrating arc 0.6" mods1r.20181020.0001-0003.fits
- flat redgrating arc 1.0" mods1r.20181020.0004-0006.fits
- flat redgrating slit 5" mods1r.20181020.0007-0009.fits