INAF queue observing, 2018 September 27-28
Observer: R. Carini, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. G. Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn on call
Instrument: LUCI
At the sunset the sky is clear
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working
LBC-blue has some issues LUCI1 AO doesn't work.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:30- 12:15 UT =
9 h 45m
Observing time:
6 40m (68%)
Weather time loss:
h m (0%)
technical time loss
3h 5m (32%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
telluric Cresci B |
HIP92316 |
luci1 +luci2 |
ls, |
luci1.0045-0048, luci2.0046-0049 |
Cresci B |
J2054 |
ls, zjspec |
2.00/2.00 |
luci1.0053-0076, luci2.0054-0077 |
completed |
Cresci B |
J2054 |
ima |
0.07/0.07 |
luci1.0077-0083, luci2.0078-0084 |
completed |
telluric Polletta |
HIP 106817 |
mods, zjSpec |
luci1.20180927.0089-0091 (slit1), luci2.0097 (slit2), luci2.0101-0106 (slit1, slit2) |
Polletta |
mos, zjSpec |
2.6/4.0 h |
luci1.20180927.0141-0180, luci2.20180927.0111-0150 |
luci1 images to be checked |
telluric Polletta |
, zjSpec |
luci1.0192-0194 |
slit 2 |
Nisini |
field3 |
luci1+luic2 |
mos, K |
luci1.0210-0213, luci2.0167-0170 |
to be repeated |
The ISA reports that a Field Stop Misalignment has involved the Nisini images of field2. Since we acquired the calibration for this field two days ago, they can be shifted with respect to the science. We acquire new calibrations (flat + arc) for H and J filter. We do not acquire the calibration for the K filter, since we need to open the dome to perform the alignment of the field stop in time for the sunset. During the procedure, we find that the telescope was probably aligned during the day, so also the calibration taken today could be shifted with respect the science. For the reduction, please check which are the best.
Nisini (flat + arc) field 2
luci1.20180927.0011-0024, luci2.20180927.0011-0024
luci1.20180927.0025-0038, luci2.20180927.0025-0038
Cresci, telluric B
luci1.20180927.0042-0044, luci2.20180927.0042-0045
luci1.20180927.0045-0048, luci2.20180927.0046-0049
Cresci, target B, spec
- 02:41 seeing on dimm 0.98"
luci1.20180927.0049-0052, luci2.20180927.0042-0053
- 02:51 seeing on dimm 1.0"
- 03:04 seeing on dimm 0.9"
- 03:30 seeing on dimm 1.1"
- 03:45 seeing on dimm 0.8"
- 04:01 seeing on dimm 0.8"
luci1.20180927.0053-0076, luci2.20180927.0054-0077
Cresci, target B, ima
luci1.20180927.0077-0083, luci2.20180927.0078-0084
Polletta, tellurica HIP 106817
- 04:18 seeing 1.1"
- 04:23 the telescope doesn't take the preset (we are still on Cresci field, images
luci1.20180927.0074-0085, luci2.20180927.0085-0086
- 04:25 we send the script again
luci1.20180927.0086-0088, luci2.20180927.0087-0089
- 04:39 seeing on dimm 1.0"
- 04:44 offset to move in the second slit has failed in telluric science
luci1.20180927.0089-0091, luci2.20180927.0090-0092
sci for telluric in the "first" slit. David and Olga try to solve the problem of the offset, but in the end we decide that the best solution is to start the acq from scratch
- 05:03 we resend the script
luci1.20180927.0092-0094, luci2.20180927.0093-0095
- 05:07 we start the integration again and skip to telluric in the "second" slit. It fails again. The problem is with the guide star of LUCI1. Olga suggest to reload the script changing the telescope mode in TRACK.
- 05:32 we send the script again. It fails again. We decide to use just LUCI 2.
- 05:40 we send the script just for LUCI2
Polletta, target PLCK
luci1.20180927.0097-00100, luci2.20180927.0107-0110
- 06:18 Aladin stucks. We need to close and re-open the luci execution panel
- 06:30 luci1 centering has some problems. We try to find the best centering solution by hand.
- 06:53 we start integration
- 07:01 seeing 0.7" (not on dimm)
luci1.20180927.0141-0160, luci2.20180927.0111-0130
- 07:10 seeing on dimm 0.9''
- 07:13 some burst of seeing to 1.1''', but the mean seeing is 0.9'''
- 07:26 seeing 0.57'' on dimm
- 07:46 load again the script
luci1.0161-0180, luci2.0131-0150
- 08:11 seeing 0.8''-0.9''
- 08:38 during the last 2 images the seeing is about 1.0''
08:41 try again the telluric with only LUCI1
- 08:45 error during the preset
- 08:46 send again the script HIP 116886, we try to send the offset manually
- acq
- sci
- the offset is too big, the guider loses the star. the offset manually failed
- we have written a script for this telluric only for the second slit
- acq
- sci
09:17 switch to Nisini program, telluric
- TO collimates
- 09:28 send the script
- 09:30 error while try to return mask to the cabinet at MOS
- 10:12 problem fixed by Dave Thompson
10:13 send again the script
- acq
- seeing about 1.0''
- after the offset to the other slit: error in the grating.
- we put manually the correct wavelength, but it doesn't work
10:53 the target is too high, we pass to the field3 and come back to the telluric later.
- acquisition failed. the mask could have some problems.
11:23 try field3
- acq
luci1.0207-0209, luci2.0163-0166
- during the luci2 acquisition there were problems, the RTDP calculated the wrong offset
- 12:02 start the scientific integration
- sci
luci1.0210-0213, luci2.0167-0170
12:19 slew to the telluric
- 12:21 check pointing
- 12:25 send again the script
- preset failed, send again
- acq
luci1.0214-, luci2.0170-=
- problem with the filter wheel only in luci2. we stop and run again the script but the sun shines. The TO have to close the dome.
- Arc+Flat Polletta
luci1.0223-236, luci2.0174-187
- Arc+Flat Antoniucci
luci1.0237-252, luci2.0188-203
Hkspec filter
luci1.0253-0266, luci2.0204-0217
zjspec filter
- Arc Nisini field 3: filter K lamp Xe
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