INAF queue observing, 2018 September 25-26
Observer: R. Carini, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. G. Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
Instrument: LUCI
At the sunset the sky is mostly clear
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working
LBC-blue has some issues, LUCI1 works only if the guide star is on the right of the patrol field, LUCI1 AO doesn't work.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:30- 12:15 UT =
9 h 45m
Observing time:
1h 27m (0%)
Weather time loss:
5h 17m (100%)
technical time loss
3h 00m (%)
Data Summary
Some issues with the connection between the telescope and LUCI
- 02:46 the problem has been fixed, the TO is working on the checkout of the AO system.
- 03:37 we could stars but clouds are coming, we have to close!!!
Nisini field3
- dark
luci1.20180926.0010-0014, luci2.20180926.0006-0010=
- flats H
luci1.20180926.0015-0019, luci2.20180926.0011-0015=
- arc H
luci1.20180926.0020-0021, luci2.20180926.0016-0017=
- arc H
luci1.20180926.0022-0023, luci2.20180926.0018-0019=
- dark
luci1.0024-0028, luci2.0020-0024=
- flats J
luci1.0029-0033, luci2.0025-0029=
- arc J
luci1.0034-0035, luci2.0030-0031=
- arc J
luci1.0036-0037, luci2.0032-0033=
- dark
luci1.0038-0042, luci2.0034-0038=
- flats K
luci1.0043-0047, luci2.0039-0043=
- arc K
luci1.0048-0049, luci2.0044-0045=
- arc K
luci1.0050-0051, luci2.0046-0047=
08:54 the sky is clearer, TO opens the dome
09:10 start with Nardini program, the telescope can not find the guide star, there is a strange pattern in the detector.
10:00 the problem resolved, TO start the collimation
10:15 the collimation finished,start the telluric HIP1317
- 10:16 error during commit
- 10:18 send again the script * error again. the target is to close to the moon.
10:20 slew to Nisini program (seeing on DIMM 1.2''), telluric Hip 17971
- error in the insert of mask in LUCI2
- 10:30 mask problem fixed, but new problems with the pointing are happening
10:52 send again the script
11:01 send again the script
- the background is too bright, guide star is too faint (14.75 mag in R)/near the moon. We can chose only guide stars on the left of the patrol field and there are not stars brigther than this one.
*11:17 we slew to Perna program, even if the seeing is not perfect
- load the script for the telluric
- error, the left side don't see the the star
- 11:30 : send again
- error the preset
- 11:40 send again the script
- 11:45 filter error (LUCI2)
- 11:46 we continue the acquisition
- acq
luci1.0053-0055, luci2.0049-0051
- sci
- seeing 1.0''
11:55 send the science script, the guide star is on the left of the patrol field, we change it
- 12:01 send again the script, but LUCi1 failed, the star for this condition is to faint
- 12:07 send again with another star but the preset failed (R=14.5)
- on the right side of the patrol field there are not stars brighter than this one, we can not rotate the field because we are in MOS mode.
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2018-09-26}%