INAF queue observing, 2018 September 24-25
Observer: R. Carini, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
Instrument: LUCI
This night is shared with Eng team. We take second half of the night, starting at ~00:00 local
At the sunset the sky is cloudy
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not working
LBC-blue has some issues, LUCI1 works only if the guide star is on the right of the patrol field, LUCI1 AO doesn't work.
At 00:15 the sky is mostly clear but the humidity is at 100% and the temperature at the dew point. The dome is closed.
At 00:40 the sky is covered
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:30- 11:45 UT =
9 h 15m
Observing time:
0 0m (0%)
Weather time loss:
4h 45m (100%)
technical time loss
m (%)
Data Summary
Cresci dark spectra
luci1.20180925.0003-0007, luci2.20180925.0007-0011
dit 150 ndit 1 mer norm (Ok also for Perna)
- dark tell
luci1.20180925.0008-0012, luci2.20180925.0012-0016
dit 3 ndit 3 lir int
- dark ima QSO J0129
luci1.0013-0017, luci2.0017-0021
dit 2.51 ndit 20 lir int
- dark ima QSO J2054, J2310
luci1.0018-0022, luci2.0022-0026
dit 2.51 ndit 5 lir int
Nisini dark ima
luci1.0023-0027, luci2.0027-0031
dit 5 ndit 3 lir int
- dark spectra
luci1.0028-0032, luci2.0032-0036
dit 45 ndit 5 lir int
- dark tell
luci1.0033-0037, luci2.0037-0041
dit 2.5 ndit 25 * dark ima luci1.0038-0042, luci2.0042-0046
dit 2.7 ndit 3
Nardini dark tell
dit 5 ndit 3 lir int
- dark spectra
dit 110 ndit 1 mer norm
- dark spectra
dit 100 ndit 1 mer norm
Perna dark tell
luci1.0058-0062, luci2.0047-0051
dit 3 ndit 5 lir int (ok also for tell Cassar\xE1)
Cassar\xE1 dark spectra
luci1.0063-0067, luci2.0052-0056
dit 200 ndit 1 mer norm
* Flats and arcs *
luci1.0068-0072, luci2.0057-0061
- flats spectra ==luci1.0073-0077, luci2.0062-0066==zjspec
- arc
luci1.0078-0079, luci2.0067-0068
zjspec, Neon
- arc
luci1.0080-0081, luci2.0069-0070
zjspec, Argon
- ==luci1.0082-0086, luci2.0071-0075==dark
- flat ima
luci1.0087-0091, luci2.0076-0080
Nisini field2
- dark
luci1.0092-0096, luci2.0081-0085
- flats
luci1.0097-0101, luci2.0086-0090
- arc
luci1.00102-0103, luci2.0091-0092
H, Ar
- arc
luci1.0104-0105, luci2.0093-0094
H, Xe * dark luci1.0106-0110, luci2.0095-0099
- flats
luci1.0111-0115, luci2.0100-0104
- arc
luci1.00116-0117, luci2.0105-0106
J, Ar
- arc
luci1.0118-0119, luci2.0107-0108
J, Xe
- dark
luci1.0120-0124, luci2.0109-0113
- during the integration the GUI frozen
- flat
luci1.00125-0129, luci2.0114-0118
- arc
luci1.0130-0131, luci2.0119-0120
K, Ne
- arc
luci1.0132-0133, luci2.0121-0122
K, Ar
- arc
luci1.0134-0135, luci2.0123-0124
K, Ar
flat ima
- dark
luci1.0136-0140, luci2.0125-0129
- FeII
luci1.0141-0145, luci2.0130-0134
- luci 2 doesn't change filter during the dark, we have to load again the script
- error again: error commit setup
- SA fix the problem, we finish the flats for imaging
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2018-09-25}%