INAF queue observing, 2018 July 03-04
Observer: F. Cusano
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzal-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
At the sunset there are some clouds and high cirrus, from satellite we see more
clouds coming in, we decide to start with MODS
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 4:10- 10:35 UT =
6 h 25m
Observing time:
2h 10min (36%)
Weather time loss:
3h 30m (54%)
technical time loss
40m *(10%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Spiniello |
KIDS1453 |
dual grating |
0.38h/ 0.58h |
mods1r.20180704.0010-0011 , mods1b.20180704.0002-0003 |
completed |
Spiniello |
KIDS1421 |
dual grating |
0.58h/ 0.58h |
mods1r.20180704.0015-0017 , mods1b.20180704.0004-0006 |
variable seeing 1.5-2.2" and clouds at the end |
Antoniucci |
v2493cyg |
dual grating |
20min/20min |
mods1r.20180704.0021-0024 , mods1b.20180704.0007-0010 |
variable seeing 1.2-1.6" , some clouds, completed |
Antoniucci |
v1057 cyg |
dual grating |
15min/20min |
mods1r.20180704.0028-0030 , mods1b.20180704.0011-0013 |
variable seeing 1.0-1.6" , clouds |
Calibration |
slit flat |
dual grating |
slit 0.8" |
Calibration |
slit flat |
dual grating |
slit 1.2" |
Calibration |
arc |
dual grating |
slit 0.6" |
3:03 the sky looks clear now, but more clouds are coming from the south
3:13 staring with Caccianiga, target
GB6J130838 +045831
*3:13 seeing 1.1 on guider
- 3:30 seeing 1.4" on guider
- seeing very variable with pick up to 2.0"
- seeing too bad to see the target in the acq, tried also with 120 s, se change target
3:35 slewing to Spiniello KIDS1453
- dimm seeing 1.3"
- acq
- spec
, mods1b.20180704.0002-0003
- seeing 1.1" on guider at 3:47
- seeing 1" on guider at 4:09
4:16 slewing 1421
- 4:21 seeing going up, now 2" on guider
- 4:25 seeing variable between 1.6" and 2.2"
- 4:25 dimm seeing 1.7"
- acq
- 4:27 spec
, mods1b.20180704.0004-0006
- 4:53 seeing 1.4"
- 4:55 clouds coming in, guide star still good
- 5:00 seeing 2
- 5:04 seeing 1.5", clouds coming in, 3/4 of sky covered, guide star is loosing flux (0.2 mag)
- 5:12 lost guide star
- 5:14 the sky is totaly covered by clouds, we wait
5:58 the sky is less covered now, we try to move to Caccianiga 1634, no guide star found
- 6:06 sending again the script
- 6:07 dimm seeing 2.2"
6:15 slewing to Antoniucci v2493cyg
- no fc found in mods directory, found at the end in luci
- 6:21 almost lost guide star, thick clouds coming in
- acq
- spec
, mods1b.20180704.0007-00010
6:58* conditions seem to improve we try to slew to caccianiga 1634
- 7:02 no guide star found lost preset, too many clouds in that direction, going to Antoniucci
7:02 slewing to v1057cyg
- dimm seeing 1.3, clouds cover almost all the sky
- acq
- spec
, mods1b.20180704.0011-00013
, check r30 and b13 lost guide star
- 7:32 lost guide star
7:39 the to closes the dome for potential rain
8:30 the sky is clearing out, the to opens the dome
8:55 slewing to Telluric of rossi 47, target 071021
- 8:55 dimm seeing 1
- 8:56 mos error
- 9:24 D. Thompson solved the problem
- 9 25 no guide star found, the sky is again covered
*9:40 the to closes the dome
10:03 lets try again, the to opens the dome
10:16 slewing to telluric of Rossi 47
- seeing 1" dimm
- 10:21 filter error, barry is solving the problem
10:24 preset cancelled clouds again