INAF queue observing, 2018 July 03-04

Observer: F. Cusano
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzal-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: MODS


At the sunset there are some clouds and high cirrus, from satellite we see more clouds coming in, we decide to start with MODS

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 4:10- 10:35 UT = 6 h 25m

Observing time: 2h 10min (36%)

Weather time loss: 3h 30m (54%)

technical time loss 40m *(10%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Spiniello KIDS1453 MODS1 dual grating 0.38h/ 0.58h mods1r.20180704.0010-0011, mods1b.20180704.0002-0003 completed
Spiniello KIDS1421 MODS1 dual grating 0.58h/ 0.58h mods1r.20180704.0015-0017, mods1b.20180704.0004-0006 variable seeing 1.5-2.2" and clouds at the end
Antoniucci v2493cyg MODS1 dual grating 20min/20min mods1r.20180704.0021-0024, mods1b.20180704.0007-0010 variable seeing 1.2-1.6" , some clouds, completed
Antoniucci v1057 cyg MODS1 dual grating 15min/20min mods1r.20180704.0028-0030, mods1b.20180704.0011-0013 variable seeing 1.0-1.6" , clouds
Calibration slit flat MODS1 dual grating   slit 0.8"  
Calibration slit flat MODS1 dual grating   slit 1.2"  
Calibration arc MODS1 dual grating   slit 0.6"  


3:03 the sky looks clear now, but more clouds are coming from the south

3:13 staring with Caccianiga, target GB6J130838 +045831 *3:13 seeing 1.1 on guider
  • 3:30 seeing 1.4" on guider
  • seeing very variable with pick up to 2.0"
  • seeing too bad to see the target in the acq, tried also with 120 s, se change target

3:35 slewing to Spiniello KIDS1453
  • dimm seeing 1.3"
  • acq mods1r.20180704.0006-0009
  • spec mods1r.20180704.0010-0011=, mods1b.20180704.0002-0003
  • seeing 1.1" on guider at 3:47
  • seeing 1" on guider at 4:09

4:16 slewing 1421
  • 4:21 seeing going up, now 2" on guider
  • 4:25 seeing variable between 1.6" and 2.2"
  • 4:25 dimm seeing 1.7"
  • acq mods1r.20180704.0012-0014
  • 4:27 spec mods1r.20180704.0015-0017, mods1b.20180704.0004-0006
  • 4:53 seeing 1.4"
  • 4:55 clouds coming in, guide star still good
  • 5:00 seeing 2
  • 5:04 seeing 1.5", clouds coming in, 3/4 of sky covered, guide star is loosing flux (0.2 mag)
  • 5:12 lost guide star
  • 5:14 the sky is totaly covered by clouds, we wait

5:58 the sky is less covered now, we try to move to Caccianiga 1634, no guide star found
  • 6:06 sending again the script
  • 6:07 dimm seeing 2.2"

6:15 slewing to Antoniucci v2493cyg
  • no fc found in mods directory, found at the end in luci
  • 6:21 almost lost guide star, thick clouds coming in
  • acq mods1r.20180704.0018-0020
  • spec mods1r.20180704.0021-0024, mods1b.20180704.0007-00010

6:58* conditions seem to improve we try to slew to caccianiga 1634
  • 7:02 no guide star found lost preset, too many clouds in that direction, going to Antoniucci

7:02 slewing to v1057cyg
  • dimm seeing 1.3, clouds cover almost all the sky
  • acq mods1r.20180704.0025-0027
  • spec mods1r.20180704.0028-0030, mods1b.20180704.0011-00013, check r30 and b13 lost guide star
  • 7:32 lost guide star

7:39 the to closes the dome for potential rain

8:30 the sky is clearing out, the to opens the dome

8:55 slewing to Telluric of rossi 47, target 071021
  • 8:55 dimm seeing 1
  • 8:56 mos error
  • 9:24 D. Thompson solved the problem
  • 9 25 no guide star found, the sky is again covered

*9:40 the to closes the dome

10:03 lets try again, the to opens the dome

10:16 slewing to telluric of Rossi 47
  • seeing 1" dimm
  • 10:21 filter error, barry is solving the problem

10:24 preset cancelled clouds again
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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