INAF queue observing, 2018 July 01-02
Observer: F. Cusano, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson (on call)
At the sunset the sky is clear. We stop observtions at 5:20 for clouds.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 4:10- 10:35 UT =
6 h 25m
Observing time:
3h 10min (49%)
Weather time loss:
3h 15m (51%)
technical time loss
*m *(%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Standard |
hz44 |
MODS 1 |
red grating |
Caccianiga |
gb6j1634 |
MODS 1 |
red grating |
1h/1.5h |
mods1r.20180702.0010-0013 |
Pancino |
Pandas 53 |
MODS 1 |
dual grating |
20 min/20min |
mods1r.20180702.0022-24 , mods1b.20180702.0002-0004 |
completed |
Calibration |
slit flat 0.6" |
MODS 1 |
dual grating |
mods1r.20180702.0025-0030 , mods1b.20180702.0005-0010 |
3:18 slewing to standard hz44
- acq
- 3:23 spec
- 3:23 seeing 1" on guider
3:38 slewing to Caccianiga
GB6J163400 +321111
- preset cancelled to unrap the telescope
- 3:45 acq
- 3:52 spec
- 3:54 seeing 1.1" on guider
- seeing 0.9" at 4:24
- 4:25 some tiny cirrus passing
- 4:33 sky looks clear now
- 4:40 clouds affecting the last minute of exposure 0011, guide star dimmed of 0.4 mag
- 4:45 wainting clouds are passing fast, guie star dimmed by 1-2 mag
- 4:50 guide star back to its original mag we start the script again
- 5:12 left preset cancelled, rotator problem
- 5:22 acquiring again, acq
, some clouds coming in at 5:25 guide star is 2 mag fainter, we can not see the target in 0015, we send another image of 60 s, now is ok (0016)
- 5:31 clouds now are too tick we lost guide star, 5:35 guide star is back, 5:37 guide star lost again
6:33 the to closes the dome, clouds are too thick and dark
10:34 the sky is clear the to opens the dome, we are in twilight, we stay with mods and on a bright target
10:45 slewing to Pancino, Pandas 53
- seeing 1
- acq
- 10:54 spec
, mods1b.20180702.0002-0004
11:37 staring flat for 0.6" slit
, mods1b.20180702.0005-0010