INAF queue observing, 2018 June 30-July 01
Observer: F. Cusano, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson (on call)
At the sunset the sky is clear
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 4:10- 10:35 UT =
6 h 25m
Observing time:
5h 05min (74%)
Weather time loss:
h m (%)
technical time loss
1h 20m*(26%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Calibration |
phz1119 |
LUCI 1+2 |
dark |
NDIT=1, DIT=120.0 MER, NORM |
dark for Polletta phz1119 |
Calibration |
telluric |
LUCI 1+2 |
dark |
dark for Polletta telluric |
Calibration |
G016.58 |
LUCI 1+2 |
dark |
NDIT=30, DIT=10.0 LIR INT |
dark for Moscadelli H2 |
Calibration |
G016.58 |
LUCI 1+2 |
dark |
NDIT=10, DIT=3.0 LIR INT |
dark for Moscadelli Ks |
Moscadelli |
G016.58 |
LUCI 1 |
H2 |
1.1h |
completed |
Standard |
FS 140 |
LUCI 1 |
H2, Ks |
Moscadelli |
G012.91 |
LUCI 1 |
H2, Ks |
1.25h, 10min? |
Caccianiga |
gb6j2357 |
MODS 1 |
red grating |
1.5h |
completed |
Standard |
Feige 110 |
MODS 1 |
red grating |
00:32 starting dark LUCI1+2 for Polletta phz1119
01:00 dark for telluric
1:10 dark for Moscadelli G016.58, for H2 filter
1:46 dark for Moscadelli G016.58, for Ks filter
3:33 sending Rossi 130803A, spec
- 3:34 preset failed, the to and Doug are checking, problem in the pointing
- 3:35 error in the mask, no mask used
- 3:40 problem with pointing solved, but the mask is in unknown position
- 3:50 D. Thompson is working on it
4:09 starting again Rossi
- 4:17 dimm seeing 0.8"
- 4:24 mask error again, can not move mask in FPU
- can not solve the problem moving to Moscadelli program LUCi1 only
4:45 slewing to standard star of Moscadelli, FS 140, LUCI1 only
- 4:52 problem in collimation, the TO is using the idl script and sending correction manually, not good we add a guide star
- 4:57 sending again the script with a guide star
- 5:08 starting taking data filter H2
- 5:14 starting Ks
5:19 slewing to G016.58, H2 filter
- 5:21 no guide star found, the to check the pointing
- 5:23 sending again the script
- 5:26 starting H2 filter
- seeing 0.8" on first image
- dimm seeing 1.2" at 6:08
- dimm seeing increasing to 1.5" at 6:12, measured on imaging 1.1"
- dimm seeing 1.1" at 6:21
6:46 slewing to G12.91, H2 filter
- 7:07 dimm seeing 0.8"
- 7:32 seeing 1.1" on guider
07:54 starting G12.91 Ks filter
- lost 15 minutes for collimation
- 60 not good
- 8:24 repeating Ks (we prefer to stay on Ks, otherwise the preset of H2 will cancel the collimation)
8:34 starting again H2 G12.91
- 8:35 dimm seein 0.8"
- 8:37 starting integration
- dimm seeing 0.7" at 8:48
8:55 switching to MODS1
9:18 slewing to Caccianiga, gb6j2357, acqMODS gb6j2357_mods1red.acq.txt
- acq
- 9:25 spec
- dimm seeing 1.1" at 9:39
- 10:16 sending again the spec script
- seeing 0.8" on guider at 10:12
11:08* slewing to standard Feige 110
- spec