INAF queue observing, 2018 May 13-14

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: LBC


At the sunset the sky is cloudy . The wind is above the limit, with gusts up to 23 m/s. The dome stay closed.
The weather condition improved, we open the dome at 6:00
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not available
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 3:30- 11:00 UT = 7 h 30m

Observing time: 4h 00m (47%)

Weather time loss: 3h 30m (53%)

technical time loss 0 (0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Spiniello KIDS1409 MODS1 dual grating 0.6/0.6h mods1r.20180514.0005-0007, mods1b.20180514.0002-0004 completed
Spiniello KIDS1421 MODS1 dual grating 0.2/0.6h mods1r.20180514.0011, mods1b.20180514.0005 script aborted for high wind
Caccianiga GB6J18291 MODS1 red grating 2.6/2.6h   completed


6:00 the wind is slowly decreasing, we may open in the next minutes, the sky is 40% cover by clouds, we stay with MODS

6:05 the TO opens the dome

6:22 slewing to Spiniello program KIDS1409
  • acq mods1r.20180514.0002-0004
  • 6:29 dimm seeing 1.2" seeing on guider 1.4"
  • 6:33 exec KIDS1409.obs, spec mods1r.20180514.0005-0007, mods1b.20180514.0002-0004
  • 6:35 seeing 1.3" on guider
  • 7:05 seeing 1.3" on guider
  • 7:13 seeing 1.5" on guider

7:14 slewing to Spiniello KIDS1421
  • acq mods1r.20180514.0008-0010
  • 7:19 variable seeing between 1.2" and 1.6" on guider
  • 7:27 exec KIDS1421.obs, spec mods1r.20180514.0011, mods1b.20180514.0005
  • 7:47 script aborted, too much wind in the direction of the target

7:48 slewing to Caccianiga GB6J182917 _640915,
  • the target is in the north, it is good for the wind
  • 7:54 seeing 1.2" on guider, dimm seeing 1"
  • acq mods1r.20180514.0012-0014
  • 8:01 exec GB6J182917 _640915.obs spec mods1r.20180514.0015-0020
  • 8:17 seeing 1.2"
  • 8:58 seeing 1"
  • 9:31 seeing 0.8"
  • 9:49 seeing 1.2" humidity is rising, wind gust up to 19 m/s
  • 10:20 seeing variable between 1" and 1.4"

11:01 slewing to standard star wolf1346
  • acq mods1r.20180514.0021-00
  • the sky is suddenly covered, too many clouds we can not see the guise star
  • end of the night

Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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