INAF queue observing, 2018 May 12-13
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset the sky is clear . The wind is at the limit, with gusts up to 20 m/s. We have restriction in pointing the telescope, e.g we can not point targets at south.
We start with LBC because Gilli target is on the south, with LBC we have more target in different directions
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not available, LUCI2 can be used today
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 3:30- 11:00 UT =
7 h 30m
Observing time:
4h m (53%)
Weather time loss:
3h 30m (47%)
technical time loss
0 (0%)
Data Summary
3:15 wind is slowing down. The OSA prepares LBC for the observations.
3:30 copointing R29
- 3:32 dohybrid
- problems in converging
- dimm seeing 2.0
- seeing too high for this program. No way to converge. We switch to Palazzi program.
3:47 copointing Palazzi 31 - GRB1805
- 3:49 dofpia
- 3:54 lbcrangebal
- dimm seeing 1.4
3:59 executing Palazzi 31 - GRB1805
- 4:05 seeing on images 1.3
- 4:13 dimm/images seeing 1.0
- 4:27 seeing 1
4:29 slewing to Annibali R30
- 4:31 dofpia
- 4:35 executing R30/3
- 4:59 seeing on red/blue image 1.1/1.3
5:01 slewing to Annibali R35
- 5:03 dofpia
- 5:07 rangebal
- 5:10 executing R35/1
- 5:17 seeing on images 1/1.2
- 5:27 seeing on images 1
- 5:37 dofpia
- 5:41 executing R35/2
- 5:54 seeing on image 1.1
- 6:07 dofpia
- 6:13 executing R35/3
- 6:29 seeing on images 1.1
6:40 slewing to Annibali R37
- we have to change target. It is into wind direction.
6:45 slewing to Annibali R29
- 6:46 dofpia
- 6:53 executing R29/1
- 6:55 seeing on dimm 1.2
- 7:01 seeing on image 1.2/1.3
- 7:18 seeing on image 1.1
- 7:18 dofpia
- 7:22 executing R29/2
7:27 dome closed for high wind