INAF queue observing, 2018 May 11-12
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn (on call)
Instrument: MODS
At the sunset there are some cirrus. The wind is high, with gusts up to 35 m/s. The dome stay closed
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not available, LUCI2 can not be used for problem during day testing
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 3:30- 11:00 UT =
7 h 30m
Observing time:
0h 45m (10%)
Weather time loss:
6h 45m (90%)*
technical time loss
0 (0%)
Data Summary
4:14 wind is slowly decreasing, we may be opened in some minute
8:40 no way wind is still too high
8:50 MODS cal for Gilli mask 36
not good
- we send the script LBT-2017B-M36_ID501202_Cal_OK.txt
- flat
mods1r.20180512.0003-0008, mods1b.20180512.0003-0008
- arc
mods1r.20180512.0009-0011, mods1b.20180512.0009-0011
10:45 we can open the wind is decreasing
11:01 slewing to Caccianiga
GB6J182917 _640915.acq
- acq
- seeing 1.4"
- 11:11 spec