INAF queue observing, 2018 May 10-11
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn (on call)
Instrument: MODS
At the sunset there are some cirrus and thick clouds over the horizon. The wind is high, with gusts up to 17 m/s
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not available all the other instruments are fine
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 3:30- 11:00 UT =
7 h 30m
Observing time:
4h 00m (53%)
Weather time loss:
3h 30m*(47%)*
technical time loss
0 (0%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Standard |
Feige 34 |
dual grating, red grating |
Gilli |
mask36 |
dual grating + r |
0.33/4h |
mods1r.20180511.0013, mods1b.20180511.0005 |
clouds, integrations stopped at 4:06 |
Spiniello |
KIDS1406 |
dual grating |
40 min |
mods1r.20180511.0019-0022, mods1b.20180511.0006-0009 |
completed; clouds during integration r.0019 and b.0006 do not use |
Caccianiga |
GB6J162956 _095959 |
red grating |
1.8/1.8h |
mods1r.20180511.0026-0031 |
completed |
Spiniello |
KIDS1453 |
dual grating |
24 min |
mods1r.20180511.0037&40, mods1b.20180511.0010-11 |
airmass > 1.5, some clouds |
MODs cal |
slit flat 1.2" |
dual grating |
for Spiniello |
2:41 slewing to standard Feige 34
- acq
- dimm seeing 1", seeing on guider 0.7"
- dual grating
mods1r.20180511.0004-0006, mods1b.20180511.0002-0004
- red grating
2:50 dohybrid red only
3:17 slewing to Gilli mask 36
- 3:20 some clouds coming in
- 3:22 check pointing guide star out of focus
- 3:24 sending acq again
- acq
( the alignment box and the slit were not shadowed by the guider probe)
- 3:28 seeing 0.8" on guider
- 3:36 execMODS spec
mods1r.20180511.0013, mods1b.20180511.0005
- 3:39 some clouds come in, but guide star still good, from 3:48 no clouds
- 4:05 clouds again, guide star dimmed by 0.5 mag
- 4:06 lost guide star, stop integration
3:26 dofpia, /RedOnly
3:37 executing LBC-r script for r-sloan
4:10 stop LBC-r exposures
5:19 the sky is more clear now we try to observe Caccianiga program, we slew to J1333
- 5:22 no guide star found, To checks the pointing, we can barely see the check pointing star, clouds are too thick
- 5:29 try again the target J133, guide star too faint (R 13.6 mag)
- 5:34 guide star found, we are acquiring the target, 5:41 lost guide star
- acq
5:44 slewing to a brighter target in the south, Spieniello program, target KIDS1406
- guide star ok
- 5:49 seeing 1" on guider
- acq
- 5:56 execMODS KIDS1406.obs; spec
mods1r.20180511.0019, mods1b.20180511.0006
, 6:08 almost lost guide stars, stop integration at 6:10 too many clouds
- 6:21 staring exposure again, clouds are moving out, spec
mods1r.20180511.0020-0022, mods1b.20180511.0007-0009
- 6:23 seeing 1.1" on guider
- 6:43 seeing 1"
6:58 slewing to Caccianiga
GB6J162956 +095959
- acq
- 7:09 execMODS GB6J162956 _095959.obs; spec
- 7:10 seeing 0.8" on guider
- 7:40 seeing 0.9" on guider
- 8:11 sending again the script
- 8:14 some clouds coming in, guide star still good, exp ok
- 8:29 seeing 0.8" on guider
9:13 slewing to Caccianiga
GB6J182917 _640915
- target in the part of the sky covered by clouds, guide star not found, we change target
9:19 slewing to Spiniello KIDS1453 (right in the region free from clouds)
- 9:22 seeing 1.1" on guider
- 9:25 now we lost the guide star
- 9:27 the sky is completely covered by clouds
- 9:35 trying acq again
- 9:43 execMODs KIDS1453.obs spec
mods1r.20180511.0037, mods1b.20180511.0010
(80% of the sky is covered by clouds, but the target position)
- 9:57 some clouds coming in, guide star dims by 1 mag, file 37 and 10 are good
- 10:05 the GCS stops guidiing, we have to send acq again
- 10:08 acq
, spec mods1r.20180511.0040, mods1b.20180511.0011
- 10:29 reached airmass limit we stop
- 10:35 we try to slew to Caccianiga GB6J182917 +640915
- too many clouds acquisition very hard, guide star lost several time, we give up at 11:04
11:20 flat dual grating slit 1.2' for Spiniello
mods1r.20180511.0045-50, mods1b.20180511.0012-17