INAF queue observing, 2018 May 08-09
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument:MODS, LUCI
At the sunset sky is clear
instruments: MODS2 red grating is not available all the other instruments are fine
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 3:30- 11:00 UT =
7 h 30m
Observing time:
5h 40m (75%)
Weather time loss:
0h 30 (7%)
technical time loss
1h 20m (18%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
sky flat |
Y, i-sloan |
Gilli |
Mask 22 |
dual grating, i- sloan |
2/4 h |
mods1r.20180509.0004-9, mods1b.20180509.0001-0006 |
1.3h of i images |
Standard |
Feige 34 |
dual grating, red grating |
Severgnini |
J1431 |
AO - K band |
0.5 /0.6 h |
target completed FWHM ~0.15", no psf star, check log |
Prandoni |
USS202 |
LUCI1+2 |
Ks, J,z |
0.9/0.9h, 1/1h, /1.7h |
z images wih clouds, to be checked |
Mods Call |
mask22 |
dual grating |
arc, flat Gilli |
Luci cal |
flat |
AO - K band |
Severgnini cal |
LBC cal |
bino bias |
bias |
Luci cal |
flat |
LUCI1+2 |
Ks, J, z |
Prandoni cal |
Mods Call |
ls |
dual grating, red grating |
arc, flat lfor s and standard |
2:16 starting sky flat with LBC-R, Y and i-sloan
2:53 slewing to Gilli mask 22
- 2:55 dohybrid LBC-R, not converging at 3:08
- acq
- 3:06 spec
mods1r.20180509.0004-0009, mods1b.20180509.0001-0006
- 3:07 seeing 0.8" on guider
- 3:16 LBC-R converged, starting i-sloan imaging, i_sloan.xml
- 3:30 seeing 0.9" on guider
- 3:53 stop LBC obs stars elongated, 3:54 running dohybrid
- 4:03 converged, starting again i_sloan.xml
- 4:05 seeing 0.9" on guider
- 4:28 seeing 0.9" on guider
- 4:49 stop mods script at exp 5 of 6 to power off dx-sex, some problem that can affect the alert system, the rest is fine
- 5:00 stop also LBC stars elongated
- 5:03 starting again the mods script
- 5:03 dofpia
- 5:06 seeing 1.1" on guider
5:30 slewing to standard Feige 34
- acq
- spec dual grating
mods1r.20180509.0012-0014, mods1b.20180509.0007-0009
- spec red
06:01 switch to LUCi to perform AO program
06:22 slewing to Severgnini program, target J1431
06:30 problem with the right secondary not converging, not working we use LUCI1 only
06:37 sending script SDSSJ1431_sci.xml, present cancelled, authorizing LUCI1 -only
06:44 right side working again we send the binocular script again, sending binocular obs
07:11 we observe with LUCI2 only, executing script SDSSJ1431_sciluci2.xml, measured FWHM 0.15"
07:48 seeing 0.7" on guider, 1" dimm
07:57 starting psf star of Servergnini, AO star to faint, but is 15.3 from catalog
- star is to faint we do not observe the psf sfar, otherwise in the scientific field of view there are two stars that can be used to reconstruct the psf
08:10 slewing to Prandoni K USS202,
- binocular observations uss202_Ks_bino.xml
- seeing
- 8:13 check pointing cancelled present and mask problem on luci2
8:48 mask problems solved, we send again the script Ks ofr USS202
- 8:49 dimm seeing 0.7', seeing 0.7" on guider
- 9:25 seeing 0.7" on guider
9:31 sending USS202 J script
- 9:05 1.2" seeing on guider at 10:02, dimm seeing 1"
- 9:10 some problem of collimation on the left side (LUCI1)
- 10:11 clouds coming in, guide star still good, clouds did not affected the ob that ended at 10:15
10:16 guide star is not fading, the clouds are not on the target, we send the script for the z band USS202
- 10:20 seeing 0.8" on guider
- 10:22 guide star dimming of 0.2 mag
- 10:24 script paused for clouds
- 10:33 script resumed the guide star is back to its magnitude
- 10:53 clouds are gone seeing 0.7", data are good from this point
11:44 mods cal for Gilli mask22
- flat
mods1r.20180509.0018-0023, mods1b.20180509.0010-0015
- arc
mods1r.20180509.0024-0026, mods1b.20180509.0016-0018
11:40 starting LUCI cal
- LUCI flat for Severgnini program, N30, K filter images
, the mask is not perfectly aligned as it was in the observations, * the SA moves the mask manually in the same position and we take again flats luci2.20180509.0115-124
use this flats
- MODS grlamp
mods1r.20180509.0027-0029, mods1b.20180509.0019-0021
- sliflats 5 arcsec
mods1r.20180509.0030-0032, mods1b.20180509.0022-0027
- grlapms_r
- slitflats_r for Caccianiga slit 1.2"
- sliflats 5 arcsec red
- bias 8 k
mods1r.20180509.0045-0049, mods1b.20180509.0028-0032
- bias 3k
mods1r.20180509.0050-0054, mods1b.20180509.0033-0037
- grpixflats
mods1r.20180509.0055-59, mods1b.20180509.0038-0047
- grpixflats_r
- LBC bino bias
- Prandoni dome flat Ks, J, z