INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 25-26
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn on call
At the sunset the sky is comleted coverd, with wind near the limit
instruments: LBCs, MODS1 and LUCIs work well, MODS2 is working with blue only, LUCI1 and LUCI2 are ok
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT =
10 h 15m
Observing time:
h m (0%)
Weather time loss:
10h15m (100%)
technical time loss
0 (0%)
Data Summary
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2018-03-26}%