INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 21-22
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B Rothberg on call
Instrument: MODS1+MODS2, LBC
At the sunset sky is partly cloudy
instruments: all instruments work well
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT =
10 h 15m
Observing time:
10h 15m (100%)
Weather time loss:
0h (0%)
technical time loss
0 (0%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
standard |
feige 34 |
dual grating |
mods1r.0004-0006 , mods1b.0002-0004; mods2r.0004-0006 , mods2b.0002-0004 |
Grazian A |
dual grating longslit |
30m/30m |
mods1r.0010-0011 , mods1b.0005-0006, mods2r.0010-0011 , mods2b.0005-0006 |
completed |
Grazian J |
dual grating MOS |
4/8h |
mods1r.0015-0022 , mods1b.0007-0014 ; mods2r.0015-0022 , mods2b.0007-0014 |
first ~5 min in blue out from slit cause of atm refrac |
Montalto |
wasp54 |
red only+blue only grating |
2.3/2.3 |
mods1r.0026-0185; mods2b.0018-0174 |
Completed |
calibrations |
spectral flat |
see the log |
Antoniucci, Prandoni, Caccianiga |
Cal |
imaging flat |
dual; red: r, blue: g |
Antoniucci |
02:16 start with standard star feige 34
- acq
, mods2r.0002-03
- sci
mods1r.0004-0006 , mods1b.0002-0004
, mods2r.0004-0006 , mods2b.0002-0004
- think cirrus, but seeing 1.2 at 02:25
02:53 Slew to Grazian A
- acq
, mods2r.0007-
- seeing 1.2 and cirrus at 02:54
- sci
mods1r.0010-0011 , mods1b.0005-0006
, mods2r.0010-0011 , mods2b.0005-0006
- 03:05 passing thick cirrus but we keep going
03:15 Slew to Grazian J
- seeing 1" and cirrus at 03:20
- acq
, mods2r.0012-14
- sci execBinomods pointJ_mos_3.obs
mods1r.0015-0016 , mods1b.0007-0008
, mods2r.0015-0016 , mods2b.0007-0008
- seeing 1" and cirrus at 03:36
- note: we started a bit earlier than planned, thus in the first ~5-10 min (less than 1 exposure) the blue spectra is not in the 1.5" slit
- seeing 1.1" and cirrus at 03:49
- 04:11 execBinomods pointJ_mos_4.obs
mods1r.0017-0018 , mods1b.0009-0010
, mods2r.0017-0018 , mods2b.0009-0010
- 04:47 execBinomods pointJ_mos_5.obs
mods1r.0019-0020 , mods1b.0011-0012
, mods2r.0019-0020 , mods2b.0011-0012
- seeing about 1''
- 05:03 cirrus are increasing
- 05:25 execBinomods pointJ_mos_6.obs
mods1r.0021-0022 , mods1b.0013-0014
, mods2r.0021-0022 , mods2b.0013-0014
- seeing about 1.0''
06:00 Slew to Montalto
- acq
, mods2b.0015-0017
- 06:15 execBinomods pointJ_mos_6.obs
, mods2b.0018-0174
- lost 2 min because wrong NIMGS parameter in the script. MaX is 99!!. Changed that, now it goes
- start exposing at 06:23*
- seeing 1.1" at 06:40
- seeing 1.0" at 07:13, thin cirrus
- seeing 0.9" at 07:13
- cloud at 09:30, >1mag extinction on guider, still guiding well
- seeing 0.9" at 09:48, clear again
- 9:35 MODS2 stack, 9:54 we can restart MODS2
- 10-10:30 UT 30 min with 0.5 mag extinction
- seeing 0.9" at 10:33, other bunch of clouds at the horizon
- they did not affect us so much
- 11:33 MODS error:images no displyed, we send red fitsflush
- 11:33 the loaded stuck at ima mods1r.0157
- 11:35 we start again the exposure, mods rstar to save the images, but we lost 2 images 158 and 159.
- 12:00 seeing fluctuations 1"-1.3"
- 12:36 seeing 0.6
- 12:39 sky gets bright we stop and prepare for calibrations
Calibrations MODS
- flat slit 0.8'' dual grating
mods1r.0187-0192, mods1b.0015-0020
; mods2r.0023-0028,mods2b.0175-0180
- flat slit 1.2'' dual grating
mods1r.0193-0198, mods1b.0021-026
; mods2r.0029-0034,mods2b.0181-0186==
- flat slit 1.0'' red only
; mods2r.0035-0043=
Caccianiga, Prandoni
- flat slit 1.2'' red only
MODS1 Caccianiga
- flat slit 1.2'' blue only
MODS2, Prandoni
- flat dual ima
; mods2r.0044-0048, mods2b.0193-0197
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2018-03-22}%