INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 20-21
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B Rothberg on call
Instrument: MODS1+MODS2, LBC
At the sunset sky is mostly cloudy
instruments: all instruments work well, also MODS2 could works in MOS and imaging mode
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT =
10 h 15m
Observing time:
*9h* (90%)
Weather time loss:
h (0%)
technical time loss
* *1.1h (11%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Calibrations |
slitflat |
MODS1+2 |
red only+blueonly |
for Montalto |
Calibrations |
arc |
blue only |
for Montalto |
standard |
feige34 |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating |
for Antoniucci a Grazian |
Antoniucci 8 |
XZtau |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating |
0.3/0.3h |
mods1r.0019-0022, mods1b.0004-0007 ; mods2r.0010-0013, mods2b.0013-0016 |
spectroscopy completed |
Grazian C |
COSMOS5585 |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating ls1.2" |
3/2h |
mods1r.0027-0032, mods1b.0008-0013 ; mods2r.0018-0023, mods2b.0017-0022 |
completed took 1 hr more because of cirrus |
Grazian J |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating MOS |
2/8h |
mods1r.0036-0039, mods1b.0014-0017 ; mods2r.0027-0030, mods2b.0023-0026 |
some cirrus during observations |
standard |
feige34 |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating, |
mods1r.0042-0044, mods1b.0018-0020; mods2r.0033-0035, mods2b.0027-0029 |
for Antoniucci and Grazian |
standard |
feige34 |
MODS1+2 |
redonly(MODS1) +reonly+blueonly (MODS2) |
mods1r.0045-0047; mods2b.0030-0032, mods2r.0036-0038 |
Prandoni e Caccianiga |
Prandoni |
USS1 |
MODS1+2 |
readonly (MODS1)+blueonly(MODS2) |
40m/2h + 40m/2h |
mods1r.0051-0052; mods2b.0036-0037 |
completed |
Annibali R40 |
NGC5477 |
LBC-bin |
red: r, blue:g |
50 m |
completed |
Sky flats |
Calibrations |
arc and flats |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating MOS and ls |
Grazian J ,B,C |
Calibration |
slitless flats |
dual grating, red only, blue only |
- flat
QTH1+ND1.5 saturated
ok texp=1 QTH1+UG5
ok t exp=1s QTH1+ND1.5
arc mods2b.0008-0009
02:26 Slew to standard Feige34 for Antoniucci e Grazian
- acqBinoMODS feige34_ls.acq
, mods2r.20190319.0002-0003
- DIMM seeing 1.5"
- execBinoMODS feige34_ls.obs
mods1r.0013-0015, mods1b.0001-0003
, mods2r.0004-0006, mods2b.0010-0012
02:52 Slew to XZtau for Antoniucci
- acqBinoMODS
, mods2r.20190319.0007-0009
- execBinoMODS
mods1r.0019-0022, mods1b.0004-0007
, mods2r.0010-0013, mods2b.0013-0016
- seeing 0.6"-0.8", but partly cloudy
03:29 Slew to Grazian C mods 2r is working
- acqBinoMODS pointC_lsPA=-30.acq
, mods2r.20190319.0014-0017
- 03:48 seeing 0.7-0.8" on guider, but passing clouds
- 03:52 execBinoMODS pointC_ls_1.obs
mods1r.0027-0028, mods1b.0008-0009
, mods2r.0018-0019, mods2b.0017-0018
- 04:28 execBinoMODS pointC_ls_2.obs
mods1r.0029-0030, mods1b.0010-0011
, mods2r.0020-0021, mods2b.0019-0020
- 04:32 seeing 0.9"-1.3" on guider, partly cloudy
- we estimate a0.5 mag extinction from the fact that we still see the Milky Way, thus we take another 50% of the total exposure
- 05:04 execBinoMODS pointC_ls_1.obs
mods1r.0031-0032, mods1b.0012-0013
, mods2r.0022-0023, mods2b.0021-0022
- 05:05 seeing 1" on guider, partly cloudy
05:41 Slew to Grazian J
- acqBinoMODS
, mods2r.20190319.0024-0026
- 05:55 seeing 0.7-0.9" on guider, some cirrus
- 06:00 execBinoMODS pointJ_mos_1.obs
mods1r.0036-0037, mods1b.0014-0015
, mods2r.0027-0028, mods2b.0023-0024
- 06:36 execBinoMODS pointJ_mos_2obs
mods1r.0038-0039, mods1b.0016-0017
, mods2r.0029-0030, mods2b.0025-0026
- seeing 0.8" at 07:00, passing cirrus
07:10 Slew to standard Feige34 , dual grating, redonly MODS1+blueonly+redonly forMODS2
- acqBinoMODS
, mods2r.20190319.0031-0032
- first dual grating for both (e.g. Grazian)
- seeing 1.2" at 07:20, passing cirrus
- 07:25 execBinoMODS feige34_ls
mods1r.0042-0044, mods1b.0018-0020
, mods2r.0033-0035, mods2b.0027-0029
- now redonly MODS1 ; blueonly+redonly for MODS2
- seeing 1.6" at 07:34, passing cirrus
- 07:39 execBinoMODS feige34_ls_red.obs feige34_ls_red_blue.obs
, = mods2b.0030-0032, mods2r.0036-0038=
08:00 Slew to Prandoni USS1
- acq
- sci
09:20 switch to LBC, the sky is mostly clear and seeing about 0.8''-1.0''
09:40 Annibali program, target R26: NGC4162
- dohybrid, doesn't work., in the red image there are not stars.
- 09:50 TO starts again LBC control
- 09:54 dohybrid, but it doesn't work,
- we change target R27: UGCA276
- dohybrid
- try dofpia but does't work!!!! there are not stars in the images!!!!!!!
- 10:09 slew to R40
- dohybrid, the blue image is ok, the red one no, it is impossible to do the focus
- we send the copointg ob to understand if the red channel works
- there are problems in both channels, we turn off the LBC and turn on again
- SA send a quick test script, the blue image is ok, but the red one no
- SA try two more exposure with different filters but there is nothing in the red!!!
10:42 switch to LUCI, but the TO said us to wait because maybe he has found the error in LBC
- lbc red swing arm was off, the TO corrects it, and we stay on LBC
10:54 R40
- dohybrid
- 11:10 run copointing
- 11:14 run NGC5477_1.ob
- 11:20 seeing 0.9"
- 11:36 seeing jump to 1.2''-1.3''
- 11:40 seeing about 1.0''
- 11:41 dofpia
- 11:44 run NGC5477_2.ob
- 11:59 seeing about 0.8''
- 12:11 run NGC5477_3.ob; stars very round in all field
- 12:29 stop the integration, we have taken 4 images in blue and 4 in red, we consider the target completed together with yesterday observations
- 12:30 run NGC5477_calib.ob
Sky flats
MODS calib
- slit flat
mods1r.0053-0054, mods1b.0021-0022
, mods2r.0039-0040, mods2b.0038-0039
MOS flat for Grazian J
- arcs
mods1r.0055-0060, mods1b.0041-0043
, mods2r.0023-0025 mods2b.0040-0042
MOS arc dual grating for Grazian J
- slit flat
mods1r.0060-0062, mods1b.0028-0030
, mods2r.0046-0048, mods2b.0045-0047
slit 1.2" flat dual grating Grazian B,C
- arcs
mods1r.00-00, mods1b.00-00
, mods2r.00-00, mods2b.00-00
longslit arc dual grating Grazian B,C, Antoniucci
- slitless flat
mods1r.0064-0067, mods1b.0031-0040
, mods2r.0046-0053, mods2b.0048-0057
dual grating
- slitless flat
mods1r.0068-0072 ==, ==mods2r.0054-0058
red grating
- slitless flat
blue grating (MODS2)
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