INAF queue observing, 2018 Mar 19-20
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS1+MODS2, LBC
At the sunset sky is mostly clear
instruments: all instruments work well, but MODS2 could not be used in MOS and imaging mode because the lower left quadrant doesn't work.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:20am- 12:35pm UT =
10 h 15m
Observing time:
*9h* (90%)
Weather time loss:
0h (0%)
technical time loss
* *1.1h (10%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Calibrations |
flat |
slit 5.0'', binning 1x2 dual grating |
mods1r.0001-0003,mods1b.0001-0006, mods2r.0001-0003,mods2b.0001-0006 |
mods1 b to be repeated |
Calibrations |
flat |
slit 1.0'', binning 1x2 dual grating |
mods1r.0004-0009, mods1b.0007-0012, mods2r.0004-0009, mods2b.0007-0012 |
mods1 to be repeated |
standard |
Feige34 |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating |
mods1r.0013-0015, mods1b.0013-0015 ; mods2r.0013-0015, mods2b.0013-0015 |
for Grazian and Antoniucci |
Grazian |
B |
MODS1+2 |
dualgrating, 1.2" |
900x6/1h |
mods1r.0019-0021, mods1b.0016-0018 ; mods2r.0019-0021, mods2b.0016-0018 |
first image with airmass greater than 1.3 completed |
Grazian |
J |
dualgrating MOS |
0.25/8h |
mods1r.0025, mods1b.0019 |
MODS2 not possible to use because of the bottom left bad quadrant, seeing not good, to be checked |
standard |
pg1047_003 |
LBCb+r |
for Dotto |
Dotto |
2018 EE |
LBCb+r |
BVg+RzrI |
if possible to be repeated for color comparison |
Dotto |
2006 UF17 |
LBCb+r |
BVg+Rzri |
if possible to be repeated for color comparison |
D'Avanzo |
GRB160601A |
LBCb+r |
r-sloan filter |
1800*2=1/1h |
-- |
completed |
phot stand |
SA 104 |
LBCb+r |
BVgr+RzrI |
for Dotto, D'Avanzo, Annibali |
Dotto |
2018 EZ |
LBCb+r |
BVg+RzrI |
if possible to be repeated for color comparison |
Annibali R23 |
NGC3738 |
LBCb+r |
g+r |
1.0 /1.0h |
completed |
Annibali R40 |
NGC5477 |
LBC b+r |
g+r |
14 m |
last 3 images for each LBC have counts very high, be careful, but the first 4 images should be good |
Calibration |
Sky Flat |
LBCb=B,r LBCr=r,z |
Davanzo e Dotto, Annibali ( in r) |
Calibration |
Calibration |
arc |
MODS1 +2 |
dualgrating 1x2 |
for Palazzi, see log |
Calibration |
slitflat 1" and 5" |
MODS1 +2 |
dualgrating 1x2 |
for Palazzi , see log |
Calibration |
arc |
MODS1 +2 |
red+blue only grating |
for Montalto some are saturated, see log |
Calibration |
slitflat |
MODS1 +2 |
red+blue only grating |
for Montalto some are saturated, see log |
- flat slit 5.0,binning 1x2, dual grating
, mods2r.20180320.0001-0003,mods2b.20180320.0001-0006
- mods1b.0001-0003 are saturated , we be repeated
- flat slit 1.0'', binning 1x2, dual grating
mods1r.0004-0009, mods1b.0007-0012
, mods2r.0004-0009, mods2b.0007-0012
- mods1b.0010-0012 are saturated, to be repeated
03:20 Slew to STD Feige34 MOS,dualgrating for Grazian and Antoniucci
- acqBinoMODS feige34_ls.acq
, mods2r.20190319.0010-0012
- seeing 1" on guider
- execBinoMODS feige34_ls.obs
mods1r.0013-0015, mods1b.0013-0015
, mods2r.0013-0015, mods2b.0013-0015
03:41 Slew to Grazian B
- wrong guiodestar, change it and sed again
- acqBinoMODS pointB_lsPA=-30.acq
, mods2r.20190319.0016-0018
- mods2 problem, lost 5 min
- seeing 1" on guider
- 04:07 execBinoMODS
mods1r.0019-0021, mods1b.0016-0018
, mods2r.0019-0021, mods2b.0016-0018
- Since the first images have been taken with airmass greater than 1.3, we take another image
- 03:54 seeing about 1.0''
- seeing jumping to 1.5"
04:04 Slew to Grazian J , we try in binocular if works, but of course ods2 blue data will not be good for all masks
- acqBinoMODS pointB_lsPA=-30.acq
, mods2r.20190319.0022-0023
- acquisition in mods2 did not work, 2 allignement stars are in bad quadrant
- THERE IS NO FINDING CHART FOR this target! but we made it, had to edit and remove top left allignement star (double faint star?)
04:28 start execMODS --mods1
- 08:07 execBinoMODS
mods1r.0025, mods1b.0019
- 04:40 seeing jumps to 1.5-2 ! we stop
04:48 Slew to Prandoni USS1
- acqBinoMODS USS1_ls_newPiv.acq USS1_ls_newPiv_b.acq
- checking pointing lost 5 min
- 04:58 send acq again
- 05:00 error in MODS1 again, problem during the preset
- 05:08* we try again the acquisition., the seeing is too bad and it is impossibile the guiding. Some clouds are coming.
05:20 we slew to LBC Dotto program, 40 min loss due to TCS problem
06:14 start with photometric standard pg1047_003
- dohybrid
- 06:28 ob, seeing about 1.4''-1.5'', the sky is clear
06:33 slew to Dotto's program, target 2018 EE
06:56 slew to 2006 UF17
07:17 slew to D'Avanzo program target
- dofpia
- copointing
- ob for photometric calibration on Panstars stars
- 07:38 seeing 1.3" on r image
- 07:41 ob for science
- 07:45 DIMM 1.1"
- 07:50 seeing 1.3" on r image
- 08:07 seeing 1.4" on r image
- 08:16 seeing 1.2" on r image
* slew to standard for Dotto Sa104
- dofpia
- 08:40 seeing 1.0" on r image
- 08:45 seeing 0.8" on r image
08:55 slew to 2018 EZ
- dofpia
- copointing
- 09:04 lost 5 minutes copointing blue image is flat, not clear why
- 09:08 send OB science
- seeing 1" on image
09:12 slew to Annibali R23
- dofpia
- copointing
- seeing 0.8" on image
- 09:28 run ob NGC3738_1.ob
- 09:30 seeing about 1.0''
- 09:54 dofpia
- 10:01run NGC3738_2.ob
- seeing about 0.8''
- 10:29 dofpia
- 10:39 NGC3738_3.ob
- seeing about 1.0''
- 10:57 seeing 1.1''-1.2'''
11:02 problem with the connection, maybe the problem is in the observatory because also eduroam is out of work
11:11 come back the connection
- run the ob of calibration for R23
11:19 slew to R 40
11:21 connection lost again
- from the office of D. Thompson is possible connect with obs4
- 11:35 the connection has come back also in the remote room, but now there is a problems in the home directory, we have to come back to Dave's office. we connect with obs2, but we can not open RB_Science. Moreover during the connection dofpia stuck. We connect to obs4 and try to open from there RB_Science, but it doesn't work.
11:53 the connection works well
12:05 copointing R40 (NGC5477)
- run NGC5477_copointing.ob
- the connection is unstable
- 12:09 run NGC5477_1.ob
- seeing about 1.0''on the DIMM
12:30 the panel of sky brightness and of the other parameters doesn't work,
- the background of the images are too high from images at ~12:25, 17k(g-band) and 10k (r-band), we stopped
- the first 4 images should be good
FLAT FIELDS blue: r, B; red: z ,r PA= 0 and 180
bias for LBC
MODS, PALAZZI_29 binning 1x2
- arc
mods1r.0026-0028 , mods1b.0020-0022
,==mods2r.0024-0028 , mods2b.0021-0026==
- flat 1"
mods1r.0029-0034 , mods1b.0023-0028
- flat 5"
- arc
, mods2b.0028-0030
- the first arc of mods2 is saturated (lamp Hg), we halve the exposure time to 0.5, take the image mods2b.0031 but it is saturated again. we can decrease further texp.
- flat
saturated QTH1+ND1.5 and VFLAT +clear
saturated QTH1+ND1.5 and QTH1+ clear
ok (Ne,Kr+Xe, Ar)
ok (Hg,Kr+Xe,Ar)
- take again the the saturated flats decreasing the time exposure
no good
no good
ok VFLAT +clear
no good. MODS2 stuck
- time for calibration is over
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2018-03-20}%