INAF queue observing, 2018 Feb 04-05
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
At the sunset the sky is clear
instruments: LBC works, LUCI2 is ok, LUCI 1 still MOS problem no AO, MODS2 blue grating only
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT =
11 h 15m
Observing time:
10h 5m (89.6%)
Weather time loss:
0h m (0%)*
technical time loss
1h 10m (10.4%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
LBC flat |
sky flat |
g,r - B,V |
B, V just few are good |
LUCI 2 cal |
dark |
Prandoni K,J; Saracco |
Annibali LBC |
R17 |
g, r |
0.33h |
Cusano |
NW-1,2,3 |
B,V |
0.35h |
up to sequence 18 |
Rossi |
GRB171010 |
r, i |
0.5h |
Saracco |
C1_23152 |
200g HKspec |
2h |
Gilli |
J |
200g HKspec |
1h |
completed |
Gilli |
K |
200g HKspec |
2h |
Prandoni |
USS268 |
K |
15 min |
LUCI2 Sky flat |
K,J |
* starting dark with LUCI2
- dark for Prandoni K
- dark for Prandoni J
- dark for Saracco
last two darks the dome was opened
01:13 staring sky flat with LBC
- filter g and r good
- filter B, V some are good, some have low counts
1:38 slewing to copointing NW-1 Cusano
- 1:44 dohybrid, problem sending again
- 1:47 dimm seeing 0.9"
- 1:49 dohybrid
- 2:04 red is not converging we stop clear the active optics and run dohybrid again
- 2:08 dimm seeing 0.8"
- 2:16 still not converging, we call the SA on call, we clear the active optics and run dofpia
- 2:26 still problem we move to a different field Annibali R17
2:27 slewing to Annibali R17
- 2:34 dohybrid
- 2:45 both sides converged
- 2:49 lbcrangebal
- 2:49 sending ob CGCG087_3.ob, R17
- 2:56 seeing 0.7" on images
- blue some elongated stars, I have seen already when the seeing is too good, seeing 0.5-0.6" on images
- images still elongated we will repeat the ob
3:17 slewing to Cusano NW-1
- 3:20 dofpia
- 3:26 exec NW-1_18.xml, 3:34 NW-2_18, 3:43 NW-3_18
3:53 slewing to Rossi GRB171010
- 3:57 dofpia
- 4:02 copointing ob
- executing science ob LBT-2017B-C0883_1science.xml
- 4:11 seeing 0.8" on images
- 4:20 re-executing science ob LBT-2017B-C0883_1science.xml
- 4:21 seeing 0.7" on images
- 4:35 dofpia
- 4:41 sending again science ob
4:57 switch to LUCI
5:25 slewing to telluric of Saracco
- 5:25 dimm seeing 0.85"
- acq
- 5:57 seeing 0.8" on guider
- spec
5:37 slewing to science of Saracco, C1_23152
- acq
- spec
- seeing 0.8" on guider
- seeing 1.1" on guider at 6:21
- 6:26 seeing 0.9" on guider
- 6:44 seeing 0.6" on guider
- 6:57 re-executing science ob Saracco, C1_23152
- 7:11 seeing 0.5 on guider
- 7:39 seeing 0.6 on guider
8:05 slewing to telluric of Gilli, Hip 56736
8:19 slewing to Gilli J
- 8:21 seeing 0.5" on guider
- acq
- spec
- 8:41 seeing 0.7" on guider
9:57 slewing to Gilli K
- acq
- spec
- 10:10 seeing 0.7" on guider
- 10:48 seeing 0.7" on guider
- 11:10 seeing 0.6" on guider
- 11:24 sending again the spec script, seeing 0.6"
- 11:48 seeing 0.8" on guider
12:36 slewing to telluric Hip 56736
12:51 slewing to Prandoni USS268 K
- preset failed, To checks the pointing, 12:57 now is ok
- first image 129
- 12:57 seeing 0.6" on guider
- stopped at 13:21
* starting sky flat LUCI2