INAF queue observing, 2018 Feb 01-02
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
Instrument: LUCI1
At the sunset sky is mostly clear with some high cirrus
instruments: the 31st Jan the DX-AdSec was reinstalled and now the right side need to be calibrated, so we can not use LUCI2 and MODS2
LBC works, LUCI1 has some problem with the tip-tilt mirror, but AO should work
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT =
11 h 15m
Observing time:
9h 45m (87%)
Weather time loss:
0h (0%)
technical time loss
1 30h (13%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Nisini, imaging |
Field3 |
H2, FeII, J |
0.3h |
completed |
Prandoni |
USS188 |
K, J |
0.6h |
completed |
Vanzella |
JDz11 |
Ks |
0.75h |
some clouds at the end |
Prandoni |
USS36 |
K |
0.4h |
Saracco |
C1_23152 |
200HK + HKspec |
2h |
Prandoni |
USS172 |
K, J |
0.6h |
completed |
Prandoni |
USS202 |
K, J |
0.6h |
completed |
LUCI cal |
flat arc |
200g HKspec |
Saracco |
01:35 slewing to imaging Nisini Field3, ima_field3_luci1.xml
- 01:36 seeing 0.6" on guider
- first image luci1.20180202.0001.fits
- 02:03 seeing 0.7" on guider
2:13 slewing to Prandoni USS188 imaging K
- no guide star found, checking poitnin
- 2;24 we change the guide star, now is ok
- 2:27 still trying to collimate, the TO sending manual corrections to the primary
- 2:31 the primary converged, starting integration, first image luci1.20180202.0028.fits
- 2:31 seeing 0.6" on guider
03:04 sending Prandoni USS188 imaging J
- first image luci1.20180202.0048.fits
- 3:05 seeing 0.5" on guider
3:25 slewing to Vanzella AO program
- 3:27 problem in moving the N30 camera, 3:32 problem solved by the SA
- 3:29 the N30 field stop mask is in, so the movement of the masks should be fine
- 3:34 seeing 0.6" on guider
- bin 2, freq 400
- 3:40, we stop the integration, the N30 camera is out of alignment, the SA is checking and aligning, 62-65 is an alignment cal image
- 3:49 start integration again, first good image 66
- 3:52 seeing 0.7" on guider
- average fwhm of 0.15-0.2" at 4:00
- 4:18* completed the first cicle sending again the script at 4:19
- 4:20 seeing 0.7" on guider
- 4:42 average fwhm 0.1-0.2", seeing 0.7" on guider, 0.6" dimm
- 4:52 completed the second cicle sending again the script at 4:53
- 4:54 seeing 0.7" on guider
- 4:55 loop opened the AO support is checking
- 4:57 running again the script
- 5:05 problem with the offset, pause and then re-sending the script
- loop opens images 126 not good
- 5:17 loop closed, sending again the script
- 5:18 problem with the offset stopping the script, loop opened
- 5:25 sending again the script
- 5:28 loop opens paused the script, some clouds passing and reflection of the moon disturbs the ao observations
- we finish the AO observations
5:38 slew to Prandoni USS36 imaging K
- 5:41 seeing 1" on guider
- 5:51 seeing 1.6" on guider, 1.1 on dim
- seeing jumped to 2.2 at 5:56
- 5:57 paused the script, the TO is checking the collimation
- 6:07 collimation problem solved we resumed the script, seeing 1.1" on guider
- 6:10 seeing 1" on guider
- 6:18 jump in the seeing at 2.1"
- checking the collimation, clear active optics
- 7:02 problem solved, seeing 1" on guider now
- 7:03 sending again the K script
- 7:31 seeing 0.9" on guider but still some problem with the collimations (astigmatism)
7:35 slewing to telluric of Saracco,
TelluricLuci1.xml, HIP 56147
- 7:37 no guide star found, the TO is checking the pointing
- 7:41 send again the script, still problem, check again the pointing
- 7:45 send again the scirp
- 7:46 change the guide star, we send the new script
- acquisition
- spectra
- 7:56 seeing 0.7 on guider
07:59 slewing to science of Saracco, Target C1_23152
- no guise star found, check the pointing
- 08:07 send again the preset, now is ok
- acq
- 8:22 seeing 0.6" on guider
- spec
- 9:14 seeing 0.6"
09:33 slewing to Gilli J science
- seeing 0.7" on guider
- target too close to the moon, the guide star is very faint and the telescope can not gude, we move back to Saracco
09:46 slew to Saracco LBT-2017B-C2743_3.xml,
- acq
- spec
- 9:57 seeing 0.9" on guider
- 10:27 seeing 0.7" on guider
- 11:00 some tiny cirrus at the end of the script
11:08 slewing to Prandoni USS172 imaging K
- 11:18 seeing 0.5" on guider
11:49 executing Prandoni USS172 imaging J
- error, the to check the pointing
- 11:53 sending again, now is ok
12:14 slewing to Prandoni USS202 imaging K
- 12:31 seeing 0.6" on guider
12:51 sending Prandoni USS202 imaging J
13:22 calibration for Saracco, flat and arc
- flat
lamps off-on
- arc