INAF queue observing, 2018 Jan 25-26

We (the observers) take this space to bring attention of the world to the the awkward situation of large part of research personnel in INAF. We are now performing observations for INAF researchers with LBT, one of the biggest telescope in the world. But we are also valued for our scientific contribution, for results that we publish as first authors and for those in which we are involved.

However, we believe that like for many other INAF post-docs, our contract situation and our expectations do not reflect the great results that we, and INAF thanks to us, are obtaing. Like many other post-docs, we are paid on contracts renewed every year pending the availability of external funds.

Moreover, we are not entitled to officially say a word on institutional choice and in many aspects we are not considered as INAF employees, but like external collaborators. Indeed, we cannot even lead INAF projects and build a independent research.

Now, we believe INAF has given the power and instruments to start changing this situation.

Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LUCI


Night shared with LINC team.

At the midnight high wind (more than 22 m/s), in the sky there are some clouds. we stay closed.
instruments: LBC works, LUCI1 only imaging, LUCI2 imaging and LS, AO works just for LUCI1, MODS1 works, MODS2 only blue channel.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 2:00am- 13:15pm UT = 11 h 15m

Night shared with LINC team. INAF time 7:30pm- 13:15pm UT = 5 h 45m

Observing time: 1 h (17%)

Weather time loss: 4 h 45m (83%)

technical time loss 0 h (0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Filter ExpTime Notes
Calibration Dark LUCI2     Saracco science and telluric
Calibration arcs and flats LUCI2 G200HK   ok for Saracco, Gilli, Mignoli, Piconcelli
Calibration arcs and flats LUCI2     Nisini Masks 5, 6, 2
Calibration flats ima MODS2 blue channel g,u   Antoniucci
Calibration Bias MODS2 blue channel      
Piconcelli A6 J1204+3309 LUCI2 KHspec 0.4h completed
telluric Piconcelli HIP55627 LUCI2 HKspec    


* dark Saracco science==luci2.20180126.0001-0005==
  • telluric luci2.20180126.0006-0015

* flat arcs Gilli Mignoli HK, G200, 1.93, 1.0"
  • telluric luci2.20180126.0016-0031

* flat arcs Saracco HK, G200, 1.93, 0.75"
  • telluric luci2.20180126.0032-0047

* flat arcs Piconcelli HK, G200, 1.95, 1.00"
  • telluric luci2.20180126.0048-0063

* flats and arcs Nisini mask5

  • flats luci2.20180126.0069-0073 filter J
  • arc Argon luci2.20180126.0074-0075 filter J
  • arc Xenon luci2.20180126.0076-0077 filter J

  • flats luci2.20180126.0078-0087 filter K
  • arc Argon luci2.20180126.0088-0089 filter K
  • arc Xenon luci2.20180126.0090-0091 filter K
  • arc Neon luci2.20180126.0092-0093 filter K

* flats and arcs Nisini masks 6

  • flats luci2.0099-0103 filter H
  • arc Argon luci2.0104-0105 filter H
  • arc Xenon luci2.0106-0107 filter H

  • flats luci2.0113-0117 filter J
  • arc Argon luci2.0118-0119 filter J
  • arc Xenon luci2.0120-0121 filter J

  • flats luci2.0122-0131 filter K
  • arc Argon luci2.0132-0133 filter K
  • arc Xenon luci2.0134-0135 filter K
  • arc Neon luci2.0136-0137 filter K

* flats and arcs mask 2

  • flats luci2.0143-0147 filter J
  • arc Argon luci2.0148-0149 filter J
  • arc Xenon luci2.0150-0151 filter J

  • flats luci2.0152-0161 filter K
  • arc Argon luci2.0162-0163 filter K
  • arc Xenon luci2.0164-0165 filter K
  • arc Neon luci2.0166-0167 filter K

* calib MODS2b flats imaging g and u bands (Antoniucci program) mods2b.20180126.0002-0011

* bias mods2b mods2b.20180126.0012-0017

12:20 open the dome, we start with Piconcelli A6
  • 12:35 send the preset, seeing about 1.1''-1.2''
  • acq luci2.0168-0171
  • science luci2.0172-0177
  • 12:50 seeing seeing variable between 1.0''-1.4''
  • 13:03 seeing 1.5''-1.6''

13:17 slew to the telluric star HIP55627 (A5). We have chosen this star instead of the one for A6 because it was facing the wind
  • acq luci2.0178-0181
  • science luci2.0182-0183
  • seeing variable1.3''-1.6''

-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2018-01-26}%


Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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