INAF queue observing, 2017 Nov 25-26

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
Instrument: LUCI, MODS, LBC


This night is shared with TSIP and we end observations at 7:06 UT.
At the sunset the sky is clear.
LUCI1 has still problems so we can not use it, the ad-sec dx is still under checking and can not be used for science so we can not use MODS2 and LUCI2. We start with MODS1.
Last minute communication (00:40) we can use the ad-sec dx for seeing limited observations but not for AO. We keep observing with MODS, we are already configured for it.
At 05:40 the TO has to close the dome for smoke and dust outside. From 9:30 the telescope is available again for INAF because TSIP night was a transit and they lost the right moment.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 1:40am- 7:06am UT = 8.5 h

Observing time: * *7h 20(%)

Weather time loss: * *h 30min (%)

technical time loss * *15min (%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Filter ExpTime Notes
Standard Feige 110 MODS dual grating    
Fabrizio Tri II MODS dual grating 2.5h x2 (bino) completed
Caccianiga GB6J040159 +384927 MODS red grating 0.5h x2 (bino) completed
LUCI Calibration Dark LUCI2      
MOS Calibration Flat and arc MODS      
Caccianiga GB6J061110 +721814 MODS red grating 0.22h x2 (bino) 1 of 3
Grazian I COSMOS308 MODS dual grating 1.75h x2 (bino) 4.5 on 7 obs


00:57 slewing to Feige 110
  • acqBinoMODS mods1r.20171126.0002-3 ; mods2r.20171126.0002-3
  • execBinoMODS, dual grating mods1r.20171126.0004-6, mods1b.20171126.0002-4 ; mods2r.20171126.0004-6, mods2b.20171126.0002-4

01:18 slewing to Fabrizio, Tri II
  • acqBinoMODS Shallw1_592936.acq Shallw2_551353.obs, mods1r.20171126.0007-9 ; mods2r.20171126.0007-9
  • seeing 0.8" on guider at 1:25

01:35 execBinoMODS Shallw1_592936.obs Shallw2_551353.obs
  • mods1r.20171126.0010, mods1b.20171126.0005 ; mods2r.20171126.0010, mods2b.20171126.0005
  • seeing 0.75" on guider at 1:38

02:13 acqBinoMODS Deep1_551409.acq Deep2_551423.acq
  • aborted at 2:14, the TO checks the pointing

02:17 sending again acqBinoMODS Deep1_551409.acq Deep2_551423.acq
  • mods1r.20171126.0011-13 ; mods2r.20171126.0011-13
  • seeing 0.6" on guider at 2:19

02:29 execBinoMODS Deep1_551409.obs Deep2_551423.obs
  • mods1r.20171126.0014-17, mods1b.20171126.0006-9 ; mods2r.20171126.0014-17, mods2b.20171126.0006-9
  • seeing 0.7" on guider at 2:33
  • seeing 0.7" on guider at 3:08
  • seeing 0.6" on guider at 4:37

04:40 slewing to Caccianiga GB6J040159 +384927
  • problem in configuring MODS2
  • sending again acquisition at 4:47, it is working, acqBinoMODS GB6J040159 +384927.acq, mods1r.20171126.0019-21 ; mods2r.20171126.0018-20

04:57 execBinoMODS GB6J040159 +384927.obs
  • mods1r.20171126.0022-24 ; mods2r.20171126.0021-23
  • seeing 0.7" on guider at 4:58

05:36 switch to LUCI2

05:40 the TO has to close the dome for smoke and dust from outside

06:00 LUCI2 dark acquisition
  • Vanzella - DIT = 30; NDIT = 2 luci2.20171126.0001-0005
  • Vanzella SL - DIT = 2.51; NDIT = 20 luci2.20171126.0006-0010
  • Antoniucci - DIT = 2.51; NDIT = 24 luci2.20171126.00011-0015
  • Antoniucci - DIT 2.51; NDIT = 2 luci2.20171126.00016-0020

06:30 MODS mos calibration
  • MODS1 mask 592936 - MODS2 mask 551353
  • science flat mods1r.20171126.0025-26, mods1b.20171126.00010-11 ; mods2r.20171126.0024-25, mods2b.20171126.0010-11
  • lamp mods1r.20171126.0027-29, mods1b.20171126.00012-14 ; mods2r.20171126.0026-28, mods2b.20171126.0012-14

  • MODS1 mask 551409 - MODS2 mask 551423
  • science flat mods1r.20171126.0030-31, mods1b.20171126.00015-16 ; mods2r.20171126.0029-30, mods2b.20171126.0015-16
  • lamp mods1r.20171126.0032-24, mods1b.20171126.00017-19 ; mods2r.20171126.0031-33, mods2b.20171126.0017-19

09:24 we have the telescope again because the TSIP night was a transit time constrained and they lost the moment, we start with MODS

09:35 slewing to Caccianiga GB6J061110 +721814
  • acqBinoMODS mods1r.20171126.0034-36 ; mods2r.20171126.0035-37

09:49 execBinoMODS mods1r.20171126.0037 ; mods2r.20171126.0038
  • seeing 1" on guider at 9:50

10:07 slewing to Grazian I
  • acqBinoMODS pointI_mos.acq
  • preset cancelled,
  • 10:12 sending again pointI_mos.acq, mods1r.20171126.0038-40 ; mods2r.20171126.0039-41

10:24 execBinoMODS pointI_mos_1.obs
  • mods1r.20171126.0042-43, mods1b.20171126.0020-21 ; mods2r.20171126.0041-42, mods2b.20171126.0020-21
  • seeing 0.9" on guider at 10:27

11:00 execBinoMODS pointI_mos_2.obs
  • seeing 0.8" on guider at 11:01
  • mods1r.20171126.0044-45, mods1b.20171126.0022-23 ; mods2r.20171126.0043-44, mods2b.20171126.0022-23
  • we notice that the updatepointing in the script is causing the targets to drift away from the slit, we let the script go, but note that sequence for the first 4 spectra will be A,B,C,D; we corrected the other scripts to have ABAB again

11:42 execBinoMODS pointI_mos_3.obs
  • seeing 0.6" on guider at 11:51
  • mods1r.20171126.0046-47, mods1b.20171126.0024-25 ; mods2r.20171126.0045-46, mods2b.20171126.0024-25

12:19 execBinoMODS pointI_mos_4.obs
  • mods1r.20171126.0048, mods1b.20171126.0026 ; mods2r.20171126.0047, mods2b.20171126.0026
  • seeing 0.6" on guider at 12:21
  • we stop the ob at 12:39 because the last spectra will be in twilight

12:40 slew to Feige 34
  • preset cancelled, the TO check the pointing
  • 12:46 acqBinoMODS mods1r.20171126.0049-50 ; mods2r.20171126.0048-49

12:50 execBinoMODS Feige34
  • dual grating mods1r.20171126.0051-53, mods1b.20171126.0027-29 ; mods2r.20171126.0050-52, mods2b.20171126.0027-29

13:10 starting MODS calibrations for Grazian
  • flat mods1r.20171126.0054-55, mods1b.20171126.0030-31 ; mods2r.20171126.0053-54, mods2b.20171126.0030-31
  • arc mods1r.20171126.0056-58, mods1b.20171126.0032-34 ; mods2r.20171126.0055-57, mods2b.20171126.0032-34
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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