INAF queue observing, 2017 Nov 23-24
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
Instrument: MODS, LBC
At the sunset the sky is clear.
We start with MODS. At 06 UT we change to LBC
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 1:30am- 12:40pm UT =
11 h 10m
Observing time:
* *10h 40min*(95%)
Weather time loss:
* *h (%)
technical time loss
30min h (5%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Caccianiga |
GB6J010135 +153845 |
red grating |
1.1h x 2 (bino) |
completed |
Standard |
Feige 110 |
red grating, dual grating |
Annibali DDT |
ssh |
dual grating |
2h x 2 (bino) |
completed |
Cusano |
NW-1,2,3 |
B; V |
1.05h |
up to sequence 14 |
Annibali R12 |
UGC4426 |
g; r |
0.66h |
completed |
Rossi |
GRB171010 |
r; i |
10min |
completed |
Epifani |
2013 UL10 |
B; V-I |
1.5h |
completed |
Palazzi |
gw170817 |
r; r |
1h |
completed |
skyflat |
r,r (LBC-B) ; I, z (LBC-R) |
modscal |
01:11 slew to standard Feige_110
- acquisition, acqBinoMODS Feige110
; mods2r.20171124.0002-0003
- spectra dual grating , execBinoMods Feige110
mods1r.0004-6, mods1b.0002-4
; mods2r.0004-6, mods2b.0002-4
- seeing 0.8" on guider at 1:20
- red grating, Feige 110
; mods2r.0007-9
01:50 slew to Caccianiga
GB6J010135 +153845
- acqBinoMODS
; mods2r.00010-15
- we can see the target and for this we refined the centering, because in MOD2 was a bit off the slit
- starting science 2:12, execBinoMODS GB6J010135 +153845.obs,
; mods2r.00016-18
03:28 slew to Annibali DDT, SSH
- seeing 0.6" on guider
- acqBinoMODS
; mods2r.00019-21
even if the acq was set to 120 s the object was extremely faint and we centred using the finding chart in the possible position of the galaxy centre
- execBinoMODS (dual grating),
mods1r.0020-25, mods1b.0005-10
; mods2r.0022-27, mods2b.0005-10
06:02 switch lo LBC
06:17 slewing to copointing of Cusano
- 06:18 dohybryd
- lbcrangebal
06:33 starting Cusano, exec NW-1_12.xml, NW-2_12, NW-3_12,
- dimm seeing 0.6" ! at 06:41
- seeing on images 0.7" at 06:50
07:01 dofpia
07:03 exec NW-1_13.xml, NW-2_13, NW-3_13
07:30 dofpia
07:35 exec NW-1_14.xml, NW-2_14.xml, NW-3_14.xml
- seeing 0.8" on images at 07:51
08:02 slewing to Annibali R12 UGC4426, copointing
08:13 exec UGC4426_2.ob
09:08 slewing to Rossi, GRB171010
09:16 exec LBT-2017B-C0883_1science.xml, GRB171010
09:32 slewing to Epifani program
- starting with PG0918.xml
- 09:34 dofpia
- 09:38 exec PG0918.xml, standard
- 09:41 exec Pre2013UL10.xml, pre-obs sidereal
- 09:45 starting non sidereal sequence, exec 2013UL10_1_11.xml, 2, 3, 4, 5 (dofpia at 10:22), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
- dimm seeing 0.8" at 09:51
- 11:10 exec Post2013UL10.xml, post-obs sidereal
- 11:13 exec PG1047.xml, standard
- 11:17 exec PG0918.xml, standard
- 11:20 exec RU152.xml, standard
11:25 slewing to Annibali R13
- 11:28 dofpia, problem with the LBC-B, the TO clears the active optics
- 11:41 dofpia again, problem again with the LBC-B is not converging
- 11:50 obs sent 1
11:56 slewing to Palazzi, exec LBT-2017B-C0831_2science.xml
12:59 starting sky flat r, I
13:48 starting MODS bias acquisition
- exeBinoMODS
mods1r.0026-30, mods1b.0011-15
; mods2r.0028-32, mods2b.0011-15
- exeBinoMODS
mods1r.0031-35, mods1b.0016-20
; mods2r.0033-37, mods2b.0016-20
14:10 starting MODS slitless flat exec
- execMODS --mods1(2) --grpixflats(_mods2).cal (dual grating)
mods1r.0036-40, mods1b.0021-30
; mods2r.0038-42, mods2b.0021-30
- execMODS --mods1(2) --grpixflats_r(_MODS2).cal (red grating)
; mods2r.0043-47
14:40 starting flat for standard stars
- execMODS --mods1(2) --slitflat_5as(_mods2).cal (dual grating)
mods1r.0046-48, mods1b.0031-36
; mods2r.0048-50, mods2b.0031-36
13:01 how to make cranberry sauce