INAF queue observing, 2017 Nov 22-23
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset the sky is clear.
The support astronomer reported us that LBC observations at elevations lower than 30 degree are not feasable due to possible damage to the secondaries
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 1:30am- 12:40pm UT =
11 h 10m
Observing time:
10h 50min*(97%)
Weather time loss:
* *h (0%)
technical time loss
20min h (3%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
bias |
flat |
B, r (LBC-B); V, i (LBC-R) |
Davanzo |
GRB170428A |
g,r ; i, z |
1h |
completed |
Annibali R14 |
UGC5139 |
g; r |
1h |
completed |
Cusano |
NW-1,2,3 |
B; V |
1.4h |
up to sequence 11 |
Annibali R5 |
KK17 |
g; r |
0.33h |
completed |
Annibali R6 |
NGC784 |
g; r |
1h |
completed |
Annibali R7 |
KKH37 |
g; r |
1h |
completed |
Annibali R11 |
UGC4305 |
g; r |
1h |
completed |
Annibali R12 |
UGC4426 |
g; r |
0.33h |
done ob 1 |
flat |
g, r (LBC-B); r, z (LBC-R) |
00:00 bias for LBC, executing 25Bias_Bino
00:45 starting sky flat B, V
01:10 slewing to Davanzo,
- 01:12 executing dohybrid
- 01:20 wrong co-pointing
01:28 executing
GRB170428A _LBC.ob
- seeing on images 1" at 1:35
- seeing 0.9" at 1:56
- 2:07 dofpia
- 2:14 sending again GRB170428A _LBC.ob
- seeing 0.8" at 2:21
- 2:40 LBC-B has not good collimation
2:54 slewing to Annibali R14, UGC5139
- 2:56 dofpia
- 3:04 lbcrangebal
3:09 starting science UGC5139_1.ob
- dimm seeing 0.85" at 3:12
- seeing 0.7" on images at 3:16
3:36 executing UGC5139_2.ob
- seeing 0.7" on images at 3:44
- 4:02 dofpia
4:06 UGC5139_3.ob
- seeing 0.7" on images at 4:13
4:34 slewing to Cusano program,
4:44 executing NW-1_8.obs, NW-2_8, NW-3_8, NW-1_9, NW-2_9, NW-3_9, NW-1_10, NW-2_10,NW-3_10, NW-1_11, NW-2_11, NW-3_11
- dimm seeing 0.9" at 4:53, seeing on images 0.75" at 4:54
- 5:10 dofpia
- seeing on images 0.8" at 5:25
- 6:06 dofpia
- seeing on images 0.9" at 06:12
06:39 slewing to Annibali R5
06:52 executing KK17_3.ob, Annibali R5
- seeing on images 0.85" at 7:00
- seeing on images 1" at 7:13
- 7:16 exec calibration KK17_calib.ob
07:22 slewing to Annibali R6, NGC784
07:27 exec NGC784_1.ob, Annibali R6
- dimm seeing 0.8" at 7:27
- seeing 1" on images
07:52 exec NGC784_2.ob
08:22 exec NGC784_3.ob
- dimm seeing 0.86" at 8:23
- seeing on images 0.9" at 08:38
08:48 the TO resets the LBC control,
08:50 exec NGC784_calib.ob
08:56 slewing to Annibali R7, KKH37
09:06 exec KKH37_1.ob
- seeing on image 0.9" at 9:14
09:31 exec KKH37_2.ob
- seeing on images 0.9" at 9:40
09:56 exec KKH37_3.ob
- seeing 0.9" on images at 10:05
10:21 exec KKH37_calib.ob
10:28 slewing to Annibali R11, UGC4305
10:39 exec UGC4305_1.ob
- seeing on images 0.9" at 10:19
11:04 exec UGC4305_2.ob
11:30 dofpia
11:34 exec UGC4305_3.ob
- seeing on images 0.6" ! at 11:53
12:01 exec UGC4305_calib
12:03 slewing to Annibali R12, UGC4426
12:17 exec UGC4426_1.ob
- seeing on images 0.8" at 12:24
12:45 execUGC4426_2.ob, twilight started at 12:32, sky counts increasing, stopped after two exosures
12:56 starting skyflat g, r
- 13:25 starting skyflat r, z