INAF queue observing, 2017 Apr 14-15
Observer: R. Carini, M. Faccini
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: MODS; LUCI
At the sunset clear
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 03:00am-11:50pm UT) =
08 h 50m
Observing time:
08 hrs 20 m (94%)
Weather time loss:
0 hrs (0%)
technical time loss
30 m (%) the disconnection was about 3h, but the TO has observed for us form the mountain, during this period LUCI was stucked a lot of time, the time lost is not evaluable.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
SPecPhot star |
Feige34 |
blue grating MODS1; red grating MODS2, flat g and r in MODS1+MODS2 |
Palazzi |
blue grating MODS1 ; red grating MODS2 |
20m img + 2h spec |
completed |
Ricci A2 |
NGC2712 |
J |
300s LUCI1+ 300s LUCI2 |
airmass out of spec, no telluric |
Prandoni |
USS439 |
K |
20m LUCI1+20m LUCI2 |
completed |
Prandoni |
USS32 |
K |
20m LUCI1 + 20m LUCI2 |
completed |
Prandoni |
USS320 |
K |
20m LUCI1 + 20m LUCI2 |
completed |
Moscadelli J |
g075 |
H2 |
1h 30m |
completed |
Standard |
F075 |
H2 |
Calibration LUCI |
sky flats |
H2, K |
Calibration MODS |
00:31 test images for MODS1 and MODS2
mods1r.20170414.0072, mods1b.20170414.00--
mods2r.20170414.0068, mods2b.20170414.00--
00:40 calibration with MODS for Palazzi program
02:27 Acq standard Feige34 for MODS1 and MODS2
02:37 ModsAlign standard Feige34 for MODS1 and MODS2
02:47 Science standard Feige34 for MODS1 and MODS2 (seeing 0,9)
mods1b.20170415.0001 - 0003
mods2r.20170415.0001 - 0003
- some communication glitch with MODS2, we manually stop the first exposure
03:05 switch to Palazzi program, target Atlas
- execBinomods atlas_img.img
mods1b.0004 - 0006; mods1r.0001-0003
mods2b.0001-0003; mods2r.0004-0006
seeing 0,9 the objects is near the intersection of the quadrants but it's easy to see it
03:27 switch to spectroscopy program, target Atlas
- acqBinoMods atlas.acq
seeing 0,9
03:41 modsAalign
03:59 the object is too faint to be seen, we manually change the exposure time to 5 min to check again
04:06 modsAlign -y 7
04:13 execBinomods atlas
04:31 seeing variable. the mean seeing is about 1, but there are some peaks to 1.3'' or 1.7''
- 05:24 seeing 0.8''-0.9''
- 06:00 SEEING 1.2"
- 06:06 SEEING 0.9''
06:40 execBinomods atlas
06:30 switch to LUCI
06:45 Ricci program, target A2. GO FRicci_1617_20_A2_newguide_bino.xml
- acquisition
, luci2.20170415.0005-0008
- science
, luci2.0009-001
- airmass out of spec
- 07:19 lost connection with mountain, luci is running but do not see anything
- 07:28 luci stucked
07:48 the TO try to run the script from the mountain. We decide to slew to Prandoni program because is an image program and the TO could easier run the script.
- The telescope is configured for the bino mode, so we use the bino script but with the same exposure time, to facilitate the TO and to be faster.
- load and GO USS439.xml in twin version. Moreover
- from here we can not see anything, I do not know the number of the image, how much is the seeing, the quality and so on.
- the TO said that the seeing is about 0.7''-0.8''
- luci has problem, stuck many times
- 08:45* the script stopped. the TO run again the script
- 08:49* luci stuck again. the TO run again the script
08:53 load and GO USS32.xml
- luci stuck again
- seeing 0.7''-0.8''
09:36 load and GO USS320.xml
- 10:14 script stuck. the TO run again the script
10:23 the problem of the connection is resolved!!!!!!!! EUREKA!!!!!
10:26 slew to Moscadelli program, target B
- GO g075_H2_bino.xml
- problem with the preset but finally it works!!!
, luci2.0087-0104
- seeing about 1.0''
- 11:23 seeing 0.7''-0.8''
- 11:37 seeing about 0.6''
11:47 we stop the acquisition to slew to the Standard F149
11:48 slewing to Standard for g075
*last 2 images elongated
12:02 filter K - elongated also in K
12:14 we collimate on a nearby star and take the filters again
*there are other troubles like "jumps features"
12:31 we slew to a blank field to make the calibration in K
12:44 second script in H2
12:50 closing the dome to make MODS calibration
- flat slitless execBinoMods
, mods2r.0015-0019
- flat with slit 1.2''
, mods2r.0020-0025
- flat with slit 5.0''
, mods2r.0026-0028
- we test some flats without slit for MODS1 blue channel
are not good
VFlat 4 lamp with texp =3 are good
- other test
- arc
, mods2r.0029-0031
- flat for imaging
mods1r.0008-0012, mods1b.0047-0051
, mods2r.0032-0036, mods2b.0004-0008
- bias dual 3k
mods1r.0013-0017, mods1b.0052-0056
, mods2r.0037-0041, mods2b.0009-0013
- bias dual 8k
mods1r.0018-0022, mods1b.0057-0061
, mods2r.0042-0046, mods2b.0014-0018
internal flat fields, gr and ui
-- %{RobertaCarini - 2017-04-14}%