INAF queue observing, 2017 Feb 16-17
Observer: R. Carini, F. Cusano
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson on call
At the sunset some clouds on the horizon
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 02:30am-05:45pm UT) =
10 h 15m
Observing time:
1 hrs 0 m (10%)
Weather time loss:
8 hrs 55m (87%)
technical time loss
20 m (3%)
Data Summary
01:56 photometric standard
- dohybrid
- S98_Sgr_VIr.ob
- seeing 2.0'', clouds are coming
02:17 D'Avanzo program, target GRB 160408A
- dofpia, X2
- we stop the dofpia because the sky is completely covered.
02:20 we switch to MODS
02:50 the seeing is so bad (> 2.0'') that is impossible the collimate
03:27 finally the collimate has done. We send the acquisition for the standard star
- acqBinoMODS gd71.acq
- seeing about 2.2'''
- 03:30 problems with modsAlign in MODS2: "An internal error has been detected: invalid command name"
- 03:46 we do the aligment by hand
- 03:54 execBinoMODS gd71.obs
- seeing about 2.5''
mods1r.0004-0005, mods1b.0002-0003
mods2r.0005-0006, mod2b.0002-0003
04:00 slew to Antoniucci Backup program, target
- send the acquisition
- lost guide star
- send the acquisition again: acqBinoMODS iptf15afq.acq
- 04:15 same error during the modsAlign also with MODS1
- 04:22 the SA send the modsAling from the control room, it works. the SA thinks that the ds9 opened with LBC was in conflict with ds9 opened with MODS
- 04:27 execBinoMODS iptf15afq.obs
mods1r.0004-0005, mods1b.0002-0003
mods2r.0005-0006, mod2b.0002-0003
- seeing about 2.0''-3.0''
04:54 the TO closes the dome due to the clouds
06:05 switch to LUCI1
06:29 we begin Marziani program, target C. the TO send the preset.
- the seeing is horrible, there are problems with the collimation
- 06:56 clouds come again rapidly
- 07:00 the TO closes again the dome
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2017-02-17}%