INAF queue observing, 2016 December 29 - 30

Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allansonz
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn on call
Instrument: MODS


At the sunset the sky is cloudy. We stay closed.
LUCI2 not available

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 18:30-6:30 ( 01:30-13.30 UT) = 12h 00m

Observing time: 0h0m (0%)

Weather time loss: 12 h (100%)

technical time loss 0h (0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN INST Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Calibration MODS sliflats dualgrating   0.8", 1" and 1.2"
Calibration LUCI1 dark dit300ndit1 per Iovino e Ricci
Calibration LUCI1 dark dit5ndit6 per Iovino e Ricci
Calibration LUCI1 dark dit6ndit25 per Moscadelli J
Calibration LUCI1 flat, arc   Iovino, Ricci
Calibration LUCI1 flat slitless H2 Moscadelli


01:05 execBinoMODS slit 0.8", 1" and 1.2"
  • mods1r.20161230.0002-0013, mods1b.20161230.0002-0013, mods2 mods2r.20161230.0002-0013, mods2b.20161230.0002-0013

01:10 LUCI calib
  • Darks luci1.20161230.0003-0007 for Iovino EXPTIME= 300s MER for Iovino e Ricci
  • Darks luci1.20161230.0008-0013 EXPTIME= 5dit x6ndit LIR for Iovino e Ricci
  • Darks luci1.20161230.0014-0018 EXPTIME= 6dit x25ndit LIR for Moscadelli J
  • Darks luci1.20161230.0019-0024 EXPTIME= 2.74dit x18ndit LIR for Moscadelli J

03:10 start flats and arcs for LUCI 1, GR200, ok for Iovino program (w Iovino mask)
  • flats HK luci1.20161230.0025-0029 wl=1.93 um HALO3 40sec sequence with lamp: in out in in out
  • flats zJ luci1.20161230.0030-0031 wl=1.1 um HALO3 30sec sequence with lamp: in out
  • flats zJ luci1.20161230.0032-0033 wl=1.1 um HALO2 5sec sequence with lamp: in out
  • arcs zJ luci1.20161230.0034-0036 wl=1.1 um NEON 60sec
  • arcs zJ luci1.20161230.0037-0039 wl=1.1 um ARGON 5sec
  • arcs HK luci1.20161230.0040-0042 wl=1.93 um NEON 20sec
  • arcs HK luci1.20161230.0043-0045 wl=1.93 um ARGON 10sec
  • arcs HK luci1.20161230.0046-0048 wl=1.93 um XENON 20sec

04:20 start flats and arcs for LUCI 1 for Ricci

  • flats J luci1.20161230.0049 wl=1.28 um HALO3 40sec counts low switch to Halo2
  • flats J luci1.20161230.0050 wl=1.28 um HALO2 30 sec,
  • flats J luci1.20161230.0051-0060 wl=1.28 um HALO2 40 sec, sequence with lamp: out in, good
  • arcs J luci1.20161230.0061-0065 wl=1.28 um,NEON, 60 sec
  • arcs J luci1.20161230.0066-0070 wl=1.28 um,ARGON, 30 sec
  • arcs J luci1.20161230.0071-0075 wl=1.28 um, XENON, 60 sec

08:00 slitless flat H2, luci1.20161230.0076-00 exp

-- %USERSIG{FeliceCusano - 2016-12-30}%


Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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