INAF queue observing, 2016 November 7 - 8
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson on call
Instrument: LUCI
At the sunset the sky is clear
LUCI2 still not available
We use LUCI1.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 18:30-5:30 ( 01:30-12.30 UT) =
11h 00m
Observing time:
8.3h (76%)
Weather time loss:
2h (18%)
technical time loss
0.66h (6%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Ricci B1 |
B1 |
G210 J |
1.5 |
completed B1; RICCI COMPLETED |
Antoniucci |
V2492_Cyg |
zJ+HK |
19m=0.3h |
missing imaging, guide star is wrong |
Garofalo |
stream Tr-Pisc |
B,V |
25min |
sequence 6-7-8-9-10 are done |
Annibali R3 |
UGC1281 |
g,r |
25m |
OB3+calibration OB. R3 completed |
Annibali R4 |
KK16 |
g,r |
30m |
OB2 only half. OB3 TBD |
Calibration |
darks |
300,200,80 |
for Iovino & Ricci, Antoniucci |
0:40 starting LUCI skyflats in Ks
- flat not good because the guider was inside the patrol field; persistence we try to flush the detector executing darks
1:32 slewing to telluric Ricci B1, FRicci_1617_20_B1_LUCI1_tell.xml
- spectra
- seeing 1" on guider at 1:39
1:44 slewing to target Ricci B1, FRicci_1617_20_B1_LUCI1.xml
- spectra
- seeing 1.1" at start
- ~02:15-02:25 seeing ~1.5-2
- seeing 1.2" at 2:27
- 02:30 send OB2
- seeing 1" at 2:33
- seeing 1.2" at 3:00
- 03:05 send OB3
- loss 5 min due to problem with grating G210 central wavelength.
Super hero Andrea saved the situation moving to mirror and back to G210 1.15 again
- seeing 1.2" at 3:13
- seeing 1.2" at 3:20 seeing 1.5"
- seeing 1.2-2.0" at 3:30
- Even if seeing >1.2" sometimes, we consider Ricci B1 completed given that in September other exposures where taken. <br\> We can clearly see the emission lines in raw files
03:46 Slew to Antoniucci_6 V2492_Cyg
- Start telluric
- 04:00 start longslit for Antoniucci_6 V2492_Cyg
- seeing 1.2" at 04:16
- spectra
problem with offsets or acquisition, not good!
- 04:44 Start script again
- seeing 1.5" at 04:45
- spectra
zJ spectra These are good !
- seeing 1.4" at 04:51
- spectra
HK spectra These are good !
- seeing 1.6" at 05:10
- 05:16 loss 5min problem with mask. guiding star for imaging is wrong
05:23 Slew to Piconcelli A
- loss 15min problem with GUI it is not sending the preset to telescope
5:40 we can not solve the problem with LUCI we switch to LBC.
In the mean time Dave is working to solve the problem, in case we still need LUCI
6:03 slewing to copointing of Garofalo, TP_A_point.ob (starting with bad seeing program)
- dofpia, /X2
- seeing 1.1" on align images
06:16 science of Garogalo, executing sequence TP_A_6.ob, TP_B_6.ob, TP_C_6.ob, TP_D_6.ob, TP_E_6.ob, FIELD_6.ob
- seeing 1.5" on images at 6:20
- seeing 1.2" on images at 6:24
- seeing 1.1" on images at 6:30
- 6:37 seeing is stable below 1.2" we move to the higher priority program of Annibali
06:38 slew to Annibali R3
- dofpia
- 6:43 executing UGC1281_3.ob
- seeing 1.1" at 6:50
- seeing 1" at 6:54
- added 2 exposures more + calibration OB
07:18 slew to Annibali R4
- dofpia
- 07:25 start OB1
- seeing 1.1" at 07:35
- seeing 1.1" at 7:51
- 07:55 start OB2
- seeing 1.3" at 8:02
- dofpia
- seeing 1.6" at 8:10
- 8:14 OB2 stop. Only half executed, better to repeat
08:16 DIMM seeing 2.2 Back to Garofalo, sequence 7
- preset problem loss 15min
- 08:32 dofpia
- 08:38 start sequence 7: TP_A_7.ob, TP_B_7.ob, TP_C_7.ob, TP_D_7.ob, TP_E_7.ob, FIELD_7.ob
- seeing 2.5" at 08:40
- DIMM seeing 3 at 08:50
- seeing 2" at 08:58 on image
09:02 Garofalo, sequence 8: TP_A_8.ob, TP_B_8.ob, TP_C_8.ob, TP_D_8.ob, TP_E_8.ob, FIELD_8.ob
- 09:01 seeing 1.4"
- 09:05 seeing 1.8"
- 09:15 seeing 2.5"
- dofpia
- 09:22 dofpia
09:22 Garofalo sequence 9: TP_A_9.ob, TP_B_9.ob, TP_C_9.ob, TP_D_9.ob, TP_E_9.ob, FIELD_9.ob
- 09:35 seeing 1.9"
- 09:41 seeing 2.0"
09:48 Garofalo sequence 10: TP_A_10.ob, TP_B_10.ob, TP_C_10.ob, TP_D_10.ob, TP_E_10.ob, FIELD_10.ob
- 09:50 seeing 2"
- 09:53 seeing 3-4"
- 10:05 seeing 5-6"
*10:09 Switch to MODS
10:15 CLOSE due to WIND GUST *weather loss
- 5 x 300 DIT, MER
- 6 x 200 DIT, MER
- 7 x 80 DIT, MER
-- %USERSIG{FeliceCusano - 2016-11-07}%