INAF queue observing, 2016 November 5 - 6
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn on call
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset the sky is covered by clouds, humidity at 100%. At 3:40 the sky is clear
and humidity is around 80%.
The TO opens the dome at 3:55.
LUCI2 still not available
We use LBCs.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 18:30-5:30 ( 01:30-12.30 UT) =
11h 00m
Observing time:
h m (?%)
Weather time loss:
h (?%)
technical time loss
h (?%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Standard |
Sa92 |
S,g,r -V,i,z |
To complete Baglio ToO |
Annibali R45 |
UGC12613 |
g,r |
40min |
UGC12613_3.ob to complet the program |
Annibali R2 |
UGC1249 |
g,r |
1h |
completed |
Castellano A |
MACSJ0717 |
Std_U,V |
1.7h |
Annibali R8 |
UGC3755 |
g,r |
20min |
completed |
3:55 The TO opens the dome
4:07 sending copointing of Baglio
- 4:11 dohybrid, did not converge; 4:21 run again dohybrid
- stop again dohybrid can not find pupils in the blue channel, 4:28 we run dofpia, X2
- 4:33 blue not converging we try to change field we move to standard field SA92
- 4:35 the TO and Olga decide to reset LBC
- 4:48 dohybrid
5:12 observing standard SA92 (filter: Sgr - Viz)
* seeing 0.8"
5:22 slew to Baglio field (2 minute exp)
- stars elongated, 5:31 we run dofpia again
- 5:35 Baglio field again, stars look good now, seeing 0.6"
5:40 slewing to copointing of Annibali R45 (UGC12613)
5:53 starting UGC12613_1.ob, Annibali R45
- 5:55 seeing 0.7"
- 6:10 seeing 1" on images
6:19 UGC12613_calib.ob
- seeing 0.9" on images, dimm seeing 0.8"
6:23 dofpia
6 28 UGC12613_2.ob
- dimm seeing 0.8"
- seeing 0.7" on images at 6:35
6:53 UGC12613_3.ob
- stars elongated in the blue channel, seeing 1.1" out of spec, almost reached the limit in airmass, we change target
7:01 slewing to Annibali R2 (UGC1249)
- UGC1249_point.ob
- dofpia
- lbcrangebal
7:13 executing UGC1249_1.ob
- dimm seeing 0.9", on images 0.7"
- seeing 0.9" at 7:19
- seeing 0.7" at 7:35
7:40 dofpia
7:45 executing UGC1249_2.ob
- seeing 0.9" at 7:55
- seeing 0.7" 8:06
8:13 executing UGC1249_3.ob
8:44 slewing to Castellano Run A, copointing
- dofpia
- lbcrangebal (crashed than restored)
- seeing 0.8"
8:56 executing Castellano Run A, Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_14.ob
- 9:02 seeing 0.85" on images
- 9:12 seeing 0.9"
- 9:20 seeing 0.9"
9:37 dofpia
9:41 Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_15.ob
- seeing 0.9" at 9:50
- seeing 0.7" at 10:03
10:23 Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_16.ob
- seeing 0.7" at 10:33
- seeing 0.9" at 10:45
- seeing 0.7" at 10:59
11:06 slewing to Annibali R8
11:16 executing UGC3755_3.ob (Annibali R8)
- seeing 0.7" at 11:25
- seeing 0.6" at 11:37
11:41 slewing to Castellano Run A,
- dofpia
- 11:45 the humidity is climbing, now at 87%
11:50 Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_17.ob
- seeing 0.8" at 11:59
- 12:03 humidity stable at 89%
- seeing 0.7" at 12:07
- 12:08 the telescope stop tracking, we have to send the ob again
12:11 executing again Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_17.ob after telescope problem
- stop the ob, the humidity is 92% and rising
-- %USERSIG{FeliceCusano - 2016-11-06}%