INAF queue observing, 2016 July 4 - 5
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O Kuhn on call
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset the sky is clear.
Still problem with the Dx
AdSec we can not use LUCI2.
We use LBCs.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 20:30-4:00 ( 03:30-11.00 UT) =
7h 30m
Observing time:
7h10m (97%)
Weather time loss:
0 h (00%)
technical time loss
15m (3%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Momany |
NGC6205 |
SDT_U + r-sloan |
2h |
Mignani |
J1907+0602 |
SDT_U,V + V,i-sloan |
1h |
Mignani |
J2043+2740 |
SDT_U,V + V,i-sloan |
1.5h |
completed |
LBC flats |
2:45 starting sky flats
3:31 slewing to Momany copointing
3:45 sending Science_NGC6205.ob, Momany program
- 3:50 seeing 0.7" on the images
- image lbcr.20160705.035914.fits has four black squares, maybe not usefull
- seeing 0.8" at 4:10
4:21 dofpia
4:29 executing Science_NGC6205.ob for the second time
- 4:33 seeing 0.8"
- 4:55 seeing 0.9"
5:05 dofpia
5:12 executing Science_NGC6205.ob for the 3rd time
- 5:15 seeing 0.7"
- 5:35 seeing 1.2"
5:50 dofpia
5:56 executing Science_NGC6205.ob for the 4th time
- 6:00 seeing 1.1"
- lbcr.55923 has four black rectangles on the image, not usefull
6:10 stop the ob, stars are elongated on the external frames, running dofpia
06:15 started the ob Science_NGC6205.ob again
06:51 slew to Mignani B2, copointing ob, 2015B_2_B2_pointing.ob
7:07 sending science ob of Mignani B2, 2015B_2_B2_1.ob
- seeing 1.2"
- seeing 1" at 7:26
7:46 dofpia
07:49 2015B_2_B2_2.ob
08:30 slew to Mignani B3, copointing ob, 2015B_2_B3_pointing.ob
- dofpia
- lbcrangebal
=5 min tech loss
due to error with lbcrangebal
8:45 sending science ob of Mignani B3, 2015B_2_B3_3.ob
- seeing 0.6"
- 9:05 stars elongated. stop OB and dofpia
- 9:10 sending again 2015B_2_B3_3.ob
- seeing 1.1"
9:50 dofpia + sending science ob of Mignani B3, 2015B_2_B3_4.ob
- seeing 1.2"
- some cirrus passing
- seeing 1.1" at 10:05
- seeing 1.1" at 10:30
10:32 dofpia + sending calib ob of Mignani B3, 2015B_2_B3_Cal.ob
- = probably not useful because conditions do nto seem photometric =
- seeing 1.2"
11:25 END