INAF queue observing, 2016 July 3 - 4
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O Kuhn on call
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset the sky is clear.
Still problem with the Dx
AdSec we can not use LUCI2.
We use LBCs.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 20:30-4:00 ( 03:30-11.00 UT) =
7h 30m
Observing time:
6 h 10m (82 %)
Weather time loss:
0 h (0%)
technical time loss
0 h (0%)
note: 1h 20 m for LUCI+AO commisioning
Data Summary
2:40 starting sky flat with LBC, LBCB: SDT-U, V; LBCR: V, i
3:20 problem with LBC-R
3:30 problem solved restarting the LBC
3:36 slew to copointing of Momany
3:41 dofpia, X2, /first
- seeing measured on the copoting images 0.8"
4:00 executing the firt ob of Momany, Science_NGC6205.ob
- seeing 1" measured on science images at 4:05
- seeing 1.1" measured on science images at 4:30
4:37 dofpia, X2
4:45 executing the second time Science_NGC6205.ob
- seeing 1" measured on science images at 4:46
- seeing 1.1" measured on science images at 4:55
- seeing 0.9" measured on science images at 5:05
5:20 dofpia, X2
- seeing measured on the copoting images 0.8"
5:25 executing the third time Science_NGC6205.ob
- seeing 1.1" measured on science images at 5:26
- seeing 1.2" measured on science images at 5:44
6:00 dofpia, X2
6:08 executing the 4th time Science_NGC6205.ob
- some thin cirrus passing
- seeing 0.9" measured on science images at 6:10
6:43 seeing stable <1.1".
- We stop observing and give the telescope to AO commissioning
7:50 we can use again the telescope
8:00 slew to program of Momany, copointing ob
8:21 executing the 5th time Science_NGC6205.ob
- seeing 1" at 8:22
- seeing jump 1.5" at 8:32 due to passing cirrus
- seeing again at 1" at 8:35
- seeing 1" measured on science images at 8:51
* 8:56* dofpia
9:01 executing the 6th time Science_NGC6205.ob
- seeing 1.1" at 9:05 on image
- seeing jump 2.0" at 9:12 due to passing cirrus
- seeing 1.1" at 9:18 on image
9:39 we slew to Mignani B3, copoiting
9:54 sent 2015B_2_B3_Cal.ob, Mignani B3
- script stopped condition not optimal for calibration
10:00 sent 2015B_2_B3_1.ob, Mignani B3
- seeing 1.2"
- seeing 0.7" at 10:08 on image
- seeing 1.1" at 10:25 on image
10:45 sent dofpia and 2015B_2_B3_2.ob, Mignani B3
- seeing 0.8" from dofpia
- seeing 0.9" at 10:52
- we stop the ob at 11:06 sky counts are too high
11:20 starting sky flats