INAF queue observing, 2016 May 02-03
Observer: R. Carini, M. Di Criscienzo
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC, MODS, LUCI
At the sunset the sky is clear.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 20:30-4:30 ( 03:30-11.30 UT) =
8 h 00m
Observing time: * 8h* (100%)
Weather time loss: * 0h* (0%)
technical time loss * h* (00%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Raimondo |
Uma II |
blue : Us, B, red : rsloan |
22 m |
just the blue images are good |
Photometric standard |
S104 |
blue: Us B V g, red: I r Vz R |
Photomeric standard |
GD153 |
blue:Us, B,V,g red:V z r I R |
Giallongo |
Virgo field 2 |
dual grating, r sloan |
30 m mods |
lbc: 60sec0deg, 10sec0deg |
Giallongo |
Virgo field 1 |
dual grating, r sloan |
58 m |
3 x900 sec and 1 x 760 sec (image no completed), lbc:60sec0deg,10sec0deg, 180sec0deg |
standard |
feige 67 |
dual grating |
Beltran A4 |
G24.78+0.08 |
H2, Ks |
1.6 h |
completed, at the bottom of the field is present a strange obscuration |
standard |
FS-142 |
H2,Ks |
Flat field |
Giallongo |
bias LBC |
flat LUCI |
02:49 we slew to target field, Raimondo's program, field number 7
- 02:49 dofpia, but the sky is too bright
- 03:03 dofpia, problems with coma in the blue side, TO send manual correctios to Z7
- 03:13 dofpia again, problems with the dimension of the pupils in the blue side, they are too big. The TO send manual corrections to Z4
- 03:25 dofpia
- copointing. The stars in the red channel are elongated. the focus is not good because the mirror is not thermalized
- 03:37 dofpia again
*03:42 run science
UmaII _f7_UBr.ob
* the stars in the red channel are elongated (in the last run we have taken good images for this field in this channel ), in the blue they are good
- seeing 1.07
- 4.02 seeing 0.94
- 4.09 seeing 0.85
- the airmass is out of spec
04:14 slew to photometric standard S104 (airmass 1.2-1.3)
- 04:19 dofpia
- run another photometric standard with different airmass GD153 (airmass 1.037)
04:52 slew to Giallongo's program in Parallel mode
the TO configure MODS and LBC in parallel
05:30 acqMODS virgo2_mos.acq
- dofpia
- 06:00 execMODS virgo2_mos_1.obs
mods1.0006-0007, mods1b.0002-0003
- run virgo_rsloan_60s_0deg.ob
- run virgo_rsloan_10s_0deg.ob
07:00 slew to field 1
- acqMODS virgo1_mos.acq
- dofpia
- excMODS virgo1_mos_1.obs
mods1r.0012-0015, mods1b.0004-0007
- run virgo_rsloan_60s_0deg.ob
- run virgo_rsloan_10s_0deg.ob
- run virgo_rsloan_180s_0deg.ob
08:15 slew to standard star feige 67
- acqMODS feige67.acq =mods1r.0016-0019== * execMODS feige67_ls.obs ==mods1r.0020,mods1b.0008 =
08:42 slew to LUCI2
- problems with reconfiguring
09:15 run Beltran's program, target A4 in H band
*seeing variable 0.8''-1''
10:49 slew to standard star FS-142_H2.img.xml
- go FS-142_Ks.img.xml
11:19 slew to target A4 in Ks band
- go A4_Ks.img.xml
12:40 skyflat with LUCi2 in Ks
- flat for imaging in H2
- Bias for LBC
- flat and arc for the two field of Giallongo with and without mask.
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2016-05-03}%