INAF queue observing, 2016 Mar 02 - Mar 03
Observer: R. Carini, M. Faccini
Telescope Operator: David Gonzalo-Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn on call
at the sunset the sky is almost clear with some thin clouds
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:44-5:27 ( 02:44-12:27 UT) =
10 h 00m
Observing time:
10 h (100%)
Weather time loss:
0 h ()
technical time loss
0 m ()
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Raimondo |
Uma II |
1h 16 m |
Castellano |
MACSJ0717 |
U_spec; |
1h 30m |
last ob: 10 |
Bellazzini DDT |
Secco C2 |
dual grating; r_sloan |
1h |
completed |
Bellazzini DDT |
Secco C1 |
dual grating; r_sloan |
1 h |
standard |
Hz44 |
dual grating |
Antoniucci |
PVcep |
dual grating |
20m |
to be repeated |
00:55 sky is almost clear with some thin clouds
- start dark calibration for LUCI2
- good
- 01:19 the TO has to open the dome to thermalize.
01:48 start LBC flat field.
02:25 Raimondo program
- run copointing UMaII _f10_UBr_point.ob
- dofpia
- lbcrangebal *dofpia
02:42 start science. run
UMaII _f10_UBr.ob
- the first image in the red (lbcr.20160303.024925) presents a ghost in the chip3 ( left chip), maybe caused by a lamp turned on at the LBTO at level 4
- 3:03 seeing ~0.8'''
03:32 we take the missing images of the field 8 for the program of Raimondo (with texp=30 sec)
3:38 dofpia on
UMaII _f11_UBr.ob
- run science UMaII _f11_UBr.ob *3:51 seeing ~0.7''-0.9'''
04:32 track error restart CMU
04:35 slew to Castellano program, target A
- dofpia
- lbcrangebal
- 04:50 run science Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_8.ob
- 04:56 seeing ~0.9''
- 05:03 seeing ~0.9''
05:29 dofpia on Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_9.ob
- 05:36 run science
- 05:42 seeing ~0.8''
- 06:06 seeing ~0.8'''
- 6:07 the image lbcb.20160303,055339 presents dark lateral bands in every chip
06:20 slew to ob 10 for the program of Castellano
- LBC stucked. the TO restart LBC
06:26 dofpia on Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_10.ob
- 6:30 run Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_10.ob
- 06:45 seeing ~0.7''-0.8''
07:11 Photometric standard S101
07:28 switch to Parallel mode: LBC-red + MODS1
*07:55 strt with the target C2
- acqMODS SECCO_C2.acq
- dofpia
- 08:17 execMODS SECCO_C2.obs
- run ob of LBC SECCO_C2_1.ob
- 08:24 seeing ~0.8''-0.9''
- dofpia
- 08:47 run SECCO_C2_2.ob
- 09:16 dofpia
- 09:20 run SECCO_C2_3.ob
09:45 slew to the target C1
- acqMODS SECCO_C1.acq
- dofpia
- 10:10 execMODS SECCO_C1.obs
- run SECCO_C1_1.ob
- 10:17 seeing ~1.0''
- 10:38 dofpia
- 10:42 SECCO_C1_2.ob, seeing ~1.0''
- 11:0 airmass 1.50
- 11:07 SECCO_C1_3.ob, seeing ~1.0''
11:29 slew to standard Hz44
*acqMods Hz44.acq
- 11:37 problems with the collimation
11:39 acqMODS HZ44.acq
*11:55 execMODs HZ44.acq.obs
12:05 slew to Antoniucci program, target PVcep
- acqMODS pvcep_ls.acq
- execMODS pvcep_ls.obs
- the images in the blue grating are not good
1:02 LBC flat field
*1:30 LUCI Dark
- calibration with MODS
- flat slitless dual grating
- flat with slit: 0.8''(Antoniucci), 1.2''(Bellazzini), 5''(standard)
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2016-03-03}%