INAF queue observing, 2016 Mar 01 - Mar 02
Observer: R. Carini, M. Faccini
Telescope Operator: David Gonzalo-Huerta
Support Astronomer: D Thompson on call
Instrument: LUCI, LBC
At the sunset the sky is covered, wind velocity around 5 m/s, humidity 40%, Temperature 4 C.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:30-5:30 ( 02:30-12:30 UT) =
10 h 00m
Observing time:
8h m (80%)
Weather time loss: * h* ()
technical time loss
2h m (20%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Antoniucci |
V1118 Ori |
200 H+K grating, zJspec, HKspec |
0.6 h |
completed |
telluric star |
HIP33723 |
200 H+K grating, zJspec, HKspec |
Raimondo |
Uma II |
LBC-b: S,B; LBC-r: r |
1 h 13 m |
two images of the field 8 have to be taken |
Marconi |
IZw18 |
LBC-b: V; LBC-r: I |
10m |
Phot std |
S101 |
LBC-b: S,V,B,g,r; LBC-r: V, R, r, i, z |
deBarros |
M103GLASS2c |
200 H+K grating, zJspec |
1h 30m |
telluric |
flat and arc LUCI |
Antoniucci |
zJ and HKspec |
02:30 the weather is improved, but the sky is completely veiled, we begin with LUCI2
- begin with the Antoniucci program
- 02:53 the TO has problem in the collimation due to the shell.
- the TO tries again the collimation but he fails
- 03:03 the TO try again, the problem could be to to the setting of the adaptive on the secondary mirror, but it should be static.
- 03:10 the problem is not resolved
- 03:50 problem resolved
- 03:51 load the script for the target V1118 for the Antoniucci's progrma
- 03:52 lost collimation again
- 04:05 seems that the problem is due to GCS
04:08 GO the script v1118_ori.xml
- acquisition
- 04:22 lost the guiding again
04:40 re-start science. GO v1118_ori.xml
- acquisition
- seeing 0.8''
- science:
05:06 telluric star GO
- acquisition
- science
05:24 the sky is clear. we switch to LBC
*05:44 problems with the connection of LBC
- line of error: "Red channel: one or more system failed: FILTERS has problems on power line"
06:02 problem resolved. slew to Raimondo's program, field 8
- run copointing UMaII _f8_UBr_point.ob
- dofpia
- lbcrangebal
- 06:06 run science UMaII _f8_UBr.ob
- seeing 0.8''- 0.9''
- the first image in the red channel maybe is not so good
- 07.09 seeing 0.75''' * the blue channel is stucked, the last two images are not taken
07:15 TO restart LBC
07:33 slew to field 9 of the Raimondo's program
- dofpia
- 07:37 run run science
- seeing about 0.9'''
- 08:09 seeing 1.15
- 08:15 airmass 1.306 seeing 1.0'''
8:28 switch to Marconi's program
- run IZw18_copointing.ob
- dofpia
- lbcrangebal
- 08.38 RB_Science and iraf have lost the connection. We restart the programs
- 08:42 run the science IZw18.ob
- 08:50 seeing about 0.7'''
08:56 slew to the photometric standard S101
09:12 switch to LUCI2
09:31 slew to deBarros program
- 09:41 again problems with the collimation
10:11 problems resolved, we can load the script
- acquisition
- seeing ~ 0.7''-0.8''
- 10:42 go science
11:16 GO
11:51 GO
- seeing ~0.8''-0.9''
- 12:23 seeing 1-1.1
12:26 slew to telluric star
- GO M103GLASS2c _tell.xml
- acquisition
- science
13:05 the dome is close
13:10 begin the calibration
- flat and arc for Antoniucci
Attention the flats are done manually, we have not changed the name of the object, so in the header of these data the object is the name of the telluric 'HIP59861'.
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2016-03-02}%