INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 30-31
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: Olga Kuhn
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset clouds. The dome stay closed for high wind gusts (25 m/s)
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:20-6:10 ( 02:20-13:10 UT) =
10 h 50m
Observing time:
5h 30m (55%)
Weather time loss:
5 h (45%)
technical time loss * 0h*
0m (%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
MODSCalib |
flats 5" red ok, lamps for 1" dual ok, flat 0.8" dual ok, flat 1" NOT OK! |
MODSBias |
bias8k, bias3k |
Castellano |
MACSJ0717 |
15m |
OB interrupted seeing 2 out of constraints |
Antoniucci |
NY_Ori |
dual grating |
15m |
with imaging |
Antoniucci |
V512 Per |
dual grating |
30m |
with imaging |
Antoniucci |
V1118 Ori |
dual grating |
20m |
high wind |
Guaita |
M1149 |
Br_gamma |
0.5 |
00:37 Start with MODS calibrations
- slit flat for standard. OB slitflat_5as_r
- slit arclamp for 1", dual grating
, mods1r.20160131.0004-0012
- slit flat for 0.8" and 1", dual grating
, mods1r.20160131.0013-0021
, the last files maybe are not good because the TO opened the dome to start observations
01:35 the TO opens the dome
01:42 we slew to copointing of Dotto 285179
- the target is in the direction of the wind, we change target
01:44 we slew to copointing of Castellano, Castellano_MACSJ0717_pointing.ob
- 1:48 dofpia, problem with the collimation we are giving correction by hand
- 2:22 reached convergence, we run lbcrangebal
2:28 science of Castellano, executing Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_7.ob
- seeing 2.0" on the images, out of constrain we change program
2:44 reconfiguring for MODS
03:31 slew to target NY_Ori for Antoniucci
- seeing 2" on the guider at 3:31
- acq
- spec
, mods1r.20160131.0025-0028
- seeing 1.7" at 3:42
- seeing 1.9" at 3:53
04:02 slew to V512 Per
- acq
- spec
, mods1r.20160131.0032-0035
- seeing 1.5" at 4:12
- seeing variable between 1.5 and 2.2"
- imaging
, mods1r.20160131.0036-0038
05:02 slewing to V1118 Ori
- seeing 1.9" at 5:13, wind at 20m/s
- acq
- spec
, mods1r.20160131.0042-0045
- seeing 1.6" at 5:21
- 5:40 lost guide star due to high wind we can not performe imaging, spectra are ok
05:43 switch to
- average dimm seeing 2"
- problem with the rotator of the telescope, the TO is trying to solve the problem with technicians
06:10 DOME Closed due to wind>20m/s
- script bias8k
, mods1r.20160131.0046-0050
- script bias3k
, mods1r.20160131.0051-0055
09:00 Dome open wind below 20 m/s
09:01 Slew to Guaita CD, target M1149
- pointing, start OB at 09:10, seeing 1.2" on guider
- scheduler problem,
NOT GOOD: mask is in FPU.
- 09:17 start again ima
- seeing 1.2" on image at 09:25, keep going
- seeing 1" on image at 9:31
- ima luci2.20160131.0019 not good, passing cirrus
- seeing 1,1" on image at 9:48
- variable seeing, check image
- seeing 1.3" on image at 09:58
- after image luci2.20160131.0028 seeing too variable, high wind
10:05 Slew to Standard for De Barros
10:06 DOME Closed due to wind>20m/s
10:15 running MODS calibration
- flat for 0.8" and 1" slit, to be sure, because some of the ones taken in the afternoon were with the dome opened
12:00 Wind still high, no chances to open, we finish here