INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 29-30
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: Olga Kuhn
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset clouds cover about 60% of the sky . At 01:05 the sky is almost clear.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:20-6:10 ( 02:20-13:10 UT) =
10 h 50m
Observing time: * 10h*
20m (96%)
Weather time loss:
0.5 h (4%)
technical time loss * h*
m (%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Darks |
5nexpX4ditX3ndit |
LUCI2 for Antoniucci telluric |
Dotto |
ID433939 |
LBC-b(V,B,g) LBC-r(R,z,r,I) |
40m |
passing clouds at the beginning |
Raimondo |
UmaII |
LBC-b(SDT_U,B) LBC-r(r) |
1.5h |
Marconi |
IZW18 |
LBC-b(V), LBC-r(I) |
10m |
Guaita |
M1149 |
Br_gamma, H2 |
0.5, 0.5 |
DeBarros |
M103GLASS2c |
zJ |
2.5h |
passing cirrus, 10min not good |
01:48 starting with LBCs the program of Dotto (some clouds at horizon)
01:52 dofpia, some problem with dofpia we are giving correction by hand
02:15 the sky is clear now, running copointing
02:23 starting science with object ID190166, we launch the script 190166_long.ob
- dimm seeing 0.9"
- some clouds passing through at 2:37
- clouds more dense at 02:45 - 03:00 just half of images are probably useful
- DIMM cannot find bright star
02:55 move to object ID 433939, script 433939_long.ob
- still pasisng cluds , try copointing and dofpia anyway
- 03:05 start science OB, still some cirrus, DIMM still not working
- 3:33 dimm seeing 1", the sky looks better now
03:44 slew to copointing of ID190166
03:53 send science ob 190166_long.ob of ID190166
- dimm seeing 1.1", sky clear
- 4:03 seeing 0.7 on R-band image
- 4:15 dimm seeing 0.9" no clouds
04:29 slew to copointing of ID 433939
4:35 send science ob 433939_long.ob of ID 433939
- seeing 1" at 4:50 on LBC-red r-band image
- LBC-red image 045837 might be not useful, please check. It is an unknown problem.
05:09 we slew to Raimondo,
- run dofpia on copointing UMaII _f1_UBr_point.ob
- dofpia, lbcrangebal
- 05:19 start OB UMaII _f1_UBr
- 5:30 seeing 1" on LBC-red
- 6:00 seeing 1" on LBC-red
- 6:10 run dofpia on UMaII _f2_UBr.ob
- 6:12 run UMaII _f2_UBr.ob
- 6:30 seeing 1" on LBC-red
- 6:40 seeing 0.7" on LBC-blue
07:02 we slew to Marconi, IZW18
- dofpia
- 07:08 run ob science IZw18_5
- 7:15 seeing 0.8" on LBC-red
07:20 we change to
07:46 send Guaita_BrGam
- error committing the instrument setup
- solved pushing initialize all_unit
- seeing 0.8" on the guider
- ima
- seeing 0.8" on image at 08:14
- seeing 0.8" on image at 08:30
08:35 send Guaita_H2
- ima
- seeing 0.7" on guider at 08:37
- seeing 0.7" on image, 1.0" on guider at 09:01
- seeing 0.8" on guider at 09:20
09:23 slew to telluric for
- acq
acquisition stack during check of the slit. click go failed. reset and reload + skip to item+go worked.
- 09:32 spe
- seeing 0.9 on guider at 09:35
09:40 slew to
DeBarros M103GLASS2c
- acq
- spec
- seeing 1.2" on the guider at 10:00
- seeing 0.8" on the guider at 10:23
- seeing 1.1" at 10:41
- seeing 1.2" at 10:45
- 10:53 clouds coming in, guide star fainting, spectra 0092 affected by clouds, 0092 not good
- we pause the script at 10:57
- 11:14 we start the script, clous passed seeing 0.9" on the guider
- 11:38 seeing 0.9"
- 11:58 seeing 0.8"
- some clouds coming in at 12:26, guide star still ok
- 12:35 seeing 0.7", but passing cirrus, guide star ok
- 13:00 guide star fainting, the clouds cover all the sky, 0111 not good, stop script
- 13:10 starting again integration guide star good, seeing 0.7"
- 13:23 end of the night
13:33 running Bias with LBCs
- bias LBC-red 135956 with same problem that the one at LBC-red science image 045837 at ~4:35. It is a read-out problem.
13:43 running MODs calibration
mods1b.20160130.0001-0006, mods1r.20160130.0001-0004
slit 0.6?? too tired
- slitflats_5as. cal
mods1b.20160130.0007-00, mods1r.20160130.0001-0004
5arcsec slit dual grating
During night Darks for Antoniucci telluric 4dit*3ndit LIR int