INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 26-27
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: Olga Kuhn
Instrument: LUCI/MODS
At the sunset the sky is clear.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:20-6:10 ( 02:20-13:10 UT) =
10 h 50m
Observing time:
8 h 50m (81%)
Weather time loss:
0 h (0%)
technical time loss
2 h 0m (19%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Darks |
150,3ditx2ndit,3ditx4ndit,5ditx6ndit,6ditx4ndit |
good for Antoniucci spec and ima |
Sarracco |
M004XLSms2 |
red-grating |
1h |
high seeing, check if ok on image |
Guaita |
M0717 |
H2 |
0.5h |
completed |
Guaita |
M0717 |
Br_gam |
0.5h |
completed |
Standard |
P-161D |
H2, Br_gam, Ks |
Antoniucci |
XZTau |
zjspec,HKspec |
1m |
no telluric, useless! |
Antoniucci |
iptf15afq |
redgrating |
0.5h |
Raimondo |
UMaII _f1 |
r_sdss,U |
0.5h |
Marconi |
IZw18 |
V, I |
0.3h |
Rossi |
GRB151027A |
r_sdss,z_sdss |
1.15h |
skyflats |
V,I,r,z |
for Marconi and Rossi, r,z only one PA angle |
00:26 starting with LUCI dark
- Antoniucci (150s)
- Antoniucci (imaging for EZTau,V1118,V1647,V2775)
1:53 we slew to Saracco
- the seeing at moment is 1.6" we try to acquire the field
- acqMods
, seeing 1.5"
- execMods mods.4.XLSms2_5.obs
- seeing 1.5" at 2:10
- seeing 1.4" at 2:35
- seeing 1.2" at 2:40
- seeing 1.1" at 3:00
03:21 we swith to LUCI
3:40 we slew to Guaita H2 imaging
- seeing 0.9" on the guider at 3:40
- seeing 0.8" on the guider at 3:42, 0.6" on image at 3:47
- seeing 0.6 on image at 4:10
4:26 we slew to P161-D standard for Guaita
- check guiding, problem scheduler restart, lost 10 min
- seeing 0.7" on the guider at 4:34
05:00 we slew to Guaita Br_gam
- seeing 0.6" on the guider
- seeing 0.5" on image at 5:34
05:50 we slew to Antoniucci XZTau
- seeing 0.6" on the guider
05:55 XZTau spectra
- acq
- spec
- 130-132 not good
- 133-134 other two with zJspec
- spec
for HKspec with the right central wavelength (script is wrong! corrected manually)
- seeing 0.7" on guider at 06:15
06:20 XZTau telluric; script has wrong central wavelength, corrected manually
- problem with mask: mask position unknown!
*06:45 switch to Antoniucci MODS, target iptf15afq
- acqMods
, seeing 1.5"
- seeing 1.3" at 07:05
- execMods iptf15afq.obs
- execMods iptf15afq.img
lost 5 min, problem wrong guiding star in the script
- seeing 1.2" at 07:50
07:55 we switch to LBC Raimondo
- dofpia
- we had problem with focus of LBC-R we corrected manually
09:05 we launch
UMaII _f1_UBr.ob of Raimondo program
- moon at 61 deg
- seeing 1" on LBC-R at 9:12 on image
- seeing 0.7" on LBC-R at 9:20
09:54 slew to Marconi program
- dofpia
- lbcrangebal, problem with lbcrangebal and ds9, 15 min lost
10:19 starting IZw18_3.ob
10:34 starting IZw18_4.ob
11:00 slewing to Rossi
- dofpia
- copointing
- 11:10 start scientific ob, GRB151027A _rz_30m.ob
- seeing 1.2" LBC-r on image
- seeing 1.0 LBC-r at 11:30
- dofpia at 11:58
- 12:02 start again same ob
- seeing 1.1 LBC-r at 12:05
- seeing 1.2 LBC-r at 12:52
- star still round, run again same OB without dofpia
- seeing 1.4 LBC-r at 13:10 on image
13:31 starting sky flat