INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 13-14
Observer: R. Carini, A. Marchetti
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: Barry Rothberg
The INAF time is only up to 8.30 UT (first half of the night)
At the sunset the sky is clear, the humidity is about 20%
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:00-6:00 ( 02:00am-01:00pm UT) =
11 h 00m
Observing time:
11 hrs 0 m (100%)
Weather time loss:
0 hrs 00m
technical time loss
0 m
Data Summary
00:09 Take the test images for MODS
* mods1r.20160114.0001, mods1b.20160114.0001
00:37 Take sky flats for LBC for Uspec and
01:10 There are problems with the secondary mirror
01:50 problem resolved, the TO sends the preset e begins the collimation
02:05 we send the acquisition of Saracco acqMODS mods.4.XLSms2.acq
- 02:11 problem with the preset, we can not do the acquisition.
- TO stop the IIF and GSI, restart the TCS
- 2:16 acqMODS mods.4.XLSms2.acq
- 01:41 execMODS mods.4.XLSms2_4.obs (integrated the last two frames of the ob)
- seeing about 1.2 (peaks to 1.4'')
- 02:52 seeing 1.4' on guider, ut 1.1''on dimm
- a drop in temperature could be caused the worsening and variability of the seeing in the last hour
- 02:57 seeing 1.3'' on guider, 1.2 on the dimm
- 03:01 seein 1.4 on the guider and 1.2'' on the dimm
- 03:13 seeing on the dimm 1'''
03:18 execMODS mods.4.XLSms2_5.obs
- seeing about 1.1'', during the integration the seeing get better, to 0.7'''
3:59 slew to the Nascimbeni Program (Transit in parallel mode)
- acqMODS mods.2.GJ3470.mms
- 04:04 dofpia
- problem with the collimation, the TO cleans the adaptive optics in the red side
- 04:20 dofpia, the collimation doesn't works, there is a huge coma, maybe it is due a the presence of a gradient of temperature in the mirror
- 04:27 TO increases Z8 and run dofpia again
04:41 run the science with MODS execMODS mods.2.GJ3470.obs
mods1r.0015-000082, mods1b.0041-
- defocus with LBCred
- 4:45 start the integration with LBC GJ3470_f972.ob, the star have counts more than 30.000, we stop the integration to defocus
- 4:51 start again the integration with LBC GJ3470_f972.ob
- 4.57 defocus a little bit more
- seeing 1.2''
- 05:35 defocus, seeing about 1.1''
- 06:03 seeing ~ 0.8"
- 06.24 seeing between 0.7 and 0.8"
07:27 MIRROR PANIC. during the integration the TO cleans the optics, this doesn't damage integration with MODS, but the LBC images loose the focus, the images are a big coma.
- we stop and run dofpia
- 7:38 run again the ob GJ3470_f972.ob
- there is still coma in the images 073840 and 074016, after the corrections the image are again good, but the count are between 10000 and 15000. The AS suggest to do not focus, we risk to have the coma again in the image.
- seeing about 0.76'''
08:33 stop the integration, the transit is finished
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2016-01-13}%