INAF queue observing, 2016 Jan 12-13
Observer: R. Carini, A. Marchetti
Telescope Operator: G. Bechetti
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg on call
At the sunset the sky is clear, humidity 20%.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:00-6:00 ( 02:00am-01:00pm UT) =
11 h 00m
Observing time:
11 hrs 0 m (100%)
Weather time loss:
0 hrs * *(0%)
technical time loss
0 m
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Saracco |
M004XLSms2 |
red grating |
1h 45m |
last 15 m have seeing not so good |
Std PHOT |
SA98 |
SDT_U,B,V,g; I, r, V,F972 |
Dalessandro |
Trumpler5 |
B; V,I |
1h 30 |
Bellazzini D |
g;r |
0.2 h |
Marconi |
IZw18 |
V; I |
10 m |
ob2 done |
Castellano A |
MACSJ0717.5 |
U_spec; V |
48 m |
Annibali |
DDO68 |
g;r |
2h |
g,V; I,r |
00:10 wake up MODS, take test images
mods1r.20160113.0001, mods1b.20160113.0001
13:14 flat for MODS imaging (Antoniucci program)
mods1r.20160113.0002-0008, mods1b.20160113.0001-0011
00:58 start sky flat
01:56 seeing about 0.8'', start with Saracco program
- acqMODS mods.4.XLSms2.acq
- execMODS mods.4.XLSms2_4.obs
- seeing about 1.0''
02:23 * execMODS mods.4.XLSms2_5obs
- seeing about 1.0''-1.2'''
- 04:00 acquisition of the third image. seeing is getting worse (peaks to 1.8'' or 2'' )because the airmass is greater than 1.4, however the mean seeing is 1.2-1.3''
- 4:18 stop the integration, the seeing is too bad
04:20 switch to LBC
04:39 run the Phot Standard S98
04:56 seeing is 0.8''-0.9''. we slew to Castellano program
- dofpia and copointin
- during the copointing the seein is rises to 1.5, out of spec, we slew to Dalessandro program, dofpia and copointing
05:27 run science Tr5_BVI_1.ob
- now the seeing is very good, we remain on this target to verify the stability of the seeing
- seeing 0.6''-0.8''
- 05:48* run science Tr5_BVI_2.ob
- seeing 0.9''
- 06:09 dofpia
- 06:15 run science Tr5_BVI_2b.ob
- seeing 0.8
- 06:33 un science Tr5_BVI_3.ob
- mean seeing 0.8''-0.9'' but a peak rises to 1.1''
- some images are elongated
- 06:54 dofpia
- 06:58 run science Tr5_BVI_3b.ob *seeing 0.7''-0.8'''
- 07:06 Tr5_BVI_4.ob
- seeing 0.6''-0.7''
- 07:27 Tr5_BVI_4b.ob
- seeing 0.9'''
- 07:35 dofpia, copointing Tr5_USNO_P5.ob
- run science Tr5_BVI_5.ob
- seeing 0.9''- 1.00''
- 8:00 LBC stops, and gives a message of error, filter wheel didn\x92t move to where it needed to be. We start again the integration.
- seeing 1.00'
- Tr5_BVI_5b.ob
- seeing 0.8''-1'''
08:20 slew to Bellazzini program, target D
- dofpia, copointing 2015B_1_D_pointing.ob
- 08:29 run scientific target 2015B_1_D.ob
- seeing ~ 1
08:43 slew to Marconi program
- dofpia, copointing IZw18_copointing.ob
- 08:53 run scientific target IZw18_2.ob
- seeing ~ 0.9
- during the integration the tracking stops, but the images are good
09:07 slew to Castellano program target A
- dofpia, copointing WT10_318.ob
- 09:19 run scientific target Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_6.ob
- seeing between 0.9 and 1
- 09:39 stop the ob. The last images are a little bit elongated (but the elepticity is less than 0.1 so they are good) due to a tracker problem. The TO restarts LBC
- run again the ob Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_6.ob , seeing ~ 1
- 09:55 stop again the integration, the images are elongated, run dofpia
- 10:00 run the science ob Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_6.ob. Seeing between 0.8 and 1. Some images may have seeing between 1.1 and 1.2
10:42 slew to Annibali target
- dofpia, copointing DDO68_copointing.ob
- run science ob DDO68_3_new.ob
- seeing between 0.8 and 1
- 11:24 run dofpia
- 11:31 run science ob DDO68_4_new.ob
- seeing ~ 0.8
- 11:57 failed guiding, the last image are elongated, TO restart LBC
- 12:04 run DDO68_5_new.ob
- seeing 0.8''-0.9'''
- 12:35 dofpia
- 12:40 DDO68_2_new.ob (complete the second ob begun yesterday)
- seeing ~ 0.8''. we have taken 6 images, the last with airmas> 1.3
- 13:05 run the calibration ob given by PI: DDO68_calib
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2016-01-13}%