INAF queue observing, 2015 Nov 08-Nov 09

Observer: S. Bisogni, R. Carini
Telescope Operator: Steve Allanson
Support Astronomer: Barry Rothberg on call
Instrument: LBC-MODS


At the sunset the sky is clear, the humidity is 40%.

Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:00-5:20 ( 02:00-12:20 UT) = 10 h 20m

Observing time: 10 hrs 20 m (%)

Weather time loss: 0 h (%)

technical time loss 0 h (%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Filter ExpTime Notes
Standard SA112 SDT_Uspec B V g, V r i    
Clementini PegasusIII, PiscesII B, V 0.5 h ob from number 11 to 15
Saracco M003XLSms1 dual grating 2.5 h completed
Saracco M004XLSms2 dual grating 30 m  
Castellano MACSJ0717.5 SDT_Uspec, V_bessel 2 h 12 m up to ob 6, the last ob taken during the sunset
Dark LUCI2


23:37 run the dark for LUCI2 program of Antoniucci
  • luci2.20151109.0001-0046

00:47 the TO opens the dome. We want to run LUCI flats for Antoniucci imaging program

01:10 skyflat with luci2 in the J filter , are good from luci2.20151109.0056=0060 but without dithering, luci2. 0061 dithering in x of about 20 pixel, so -2.35'', luci2.0062 dithering in x -1.175'', 0063 with + 1.175'', 0063 with -2.35''

01:27 switch to LBC

01:45 start the photometric standard SA112.
  • seeing 0.6 ''

02:07 slewing to Clementini, copointing and DOFPIA

02:20 always the same problem with IRAF, we are not able to copointing with lbcrangebal; we have to quit and restart IRAF

02:23 run science obs: from Pegasus_11 and Pisces_11 up to Pegasus_15 and Pisces_15, every 2-3 obs don dofpia. * mean seeing 0.6''-0.7'' during the whole integration

03:20 the computer is frozen, we have to chenge. We have start again the LBC software in OBS2
  • 03:25 dofpia and run the last 2 ob

03:45 switch to MODS2 to Saracco program

4:08 acquisition of the target M003XLSms1
  • AcqMODS2 mods.3.XLSms1.acq mods2r.20151109.0002-0006
  • 04:30 execMODS2 mods.3.XLSms1_6.obs mods2r.20151109.0007-0008
  • seeing 1.0''

05:08 execMODS2 mods.3.XLSms1_7.obs mods2r.20151109.0009-0012
  • seeing variable between 0.9'' and 1.15''
  • 05:50 seeing 0.9''-1.0''

06:16 execMODS2 mods.3.XLSms1_9.obs mods2r.20151109.0013-0016
  • mean seeing 1.0''
  • 7:20 mean seeing 0.9''

07:25 slew to the target M004XLSms2
  • acqMODS2 mods.4.XLSms2.mms mods2r.20151109.0017-0021
  • exeMODS2 mods.4.XLSms2_1.obs mods2r.20151109.0022-0023
  • seeing 0.9''

08:24 switch to LBC to Castellano program

08:40 dofpia and copointg using the star WT_10-318

08:54 run Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_2.ob
  • seeing 0.8''-0.9''

09:31 running LUCI darks luci2.20151109.0064-0096 there is a bug in the scriptor, the dark are repeated twice.

09:35 dofpia *09:40 run Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_3.ob
  • seeing 0.6''

10:20 dofpia
  • 10:25 run Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_4.ob *seeing 0.55''-0.75''

11:10 dofpia
  • 11:15 run Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_5.ob
  • seeing -0.5''-0.7''
  • 11:45 the second and third image in the blue channel have the sources a little bit elongated, we stop and run the dofpia again.
  • 11:48 run Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_5.ob
  • seeing 0.5''-0.8''

12:30 dofpia *12:35 run Castellano_MACSJ0717_UV_6.ob
  • this ob has been taken during the sunset, the source is far from the sun, so the first image in the blue and red should be good, the second ones not.

-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2015-11-08}%


Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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