INAF queue observing, 2015 Nov 04-Nov 05
Observer: S. Bisogni, R. Carini
Telescope Operator: Steve Allanson
Support Astronomer: Barry Rothberg
Instrument: LUCI
00:41 UT the humidity is 96% and the dome is completely covered by snow. Tonight it snowed very hard and we are waiting for Santa to come.
The staff informed us that for tonight there is not chance at all to open.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:00-5:10 ( 02:00-12:10 UT) =
10 h 10m
Observing time:
0 hrs 0 m
Weather time loss:
10 h 10 m (100%)
technical time loss
0 m
Data Summary
The Astronomer Support makes test with MODS2 and LUCI2
06:35 we make test for the calibrations for Iovino and Ragazzoni programs to find the right exposure time for flat field and arc.
10:35 star the calibration for Ragazzoni 951655.PY_290
luci.2015.1105.0052-0071==flat, ==luci2.0074-0075,luci.0078-0079,luci.0082-0083
the others are images of persistence.
- 942707_PY_315
luci.2015.1105.0084-00103==flat, are not good ==luci2.0106-0107,luci2.0110-0111,luci2.0114-0115
arc, the other are of persistence.
Article text.
-- %USERSIG{SusannaBisogni - 2015-11-05}%