INAF queue observing, 2015 Oct 03-Oct 04
Observer: F. Cusano, R. Carini
Telescope Operator: Geno Bechetti
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC, MODS
At the sunset the sky is almost clear with some clouds.
We decided to star with MODS for the high gradient of temperature between the mirror and the chamber and for clouds.
From 2:50 the sky is clouds-covered, humidity 99%.
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:30-4:50 ( 02:30-11:50 UT) =
9 h 20m
Observing time:
0 h
Weather time loss: * 9h 20m (100 %)*
technical time loss * 0 h (0 %)*
02:10 start with MODS
02:18 slew to Testa A
- seeing 1 arcsec
- acqMODS 2015B_3AFelix.acq,
- 2:36 clouds coming in
02:37 execMODS 2015B_3_A_1.obs
- 2:43 guide star fainting of 2-3 mag during the exposure
- 2:48 lost guide star stop the integration
02:50 no guide star, sky covered by clouds