INAF queue observing, 2015 Oct 01-Oct 02
Observer: F. Cusano, R. Carini
Telescope Operator: Geno Bechetti
Support Astronomer: Dave Thompson
Instrument: LBC, MODS
At the sunset the sky is clear, humidity 50%
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 19:30-4:50 ( 02:30-11:50 UT) =
9 h 20m
Observing time:
9 h 20 m
Weather time loss:
0 hrs (0%)
technical time loss
0 hrs
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
standard SA 112 |
S, B, V, g, U; r, i, I, V, F, Y |
Bellazzini N |
331.8+21.0 |
g,r |
0.2h |
completed |
Bellazzini Q |
342.1+20.6 |
g,r |
0.2h |
completed |
Bellazzini O |
339.0+09.0 |
g,r |
0.2h |
completed |
Bellazzini P |
341.7+07.7 |
g,r |
0.2h |
completed |
Bellazzini R |
345.0+07.0 |
g,r |
0.2h |
completed |
Clementini |
PegasusIII, PiscesII |
B,V |
0.5h |
up to ob number 5 |
standard SA 92 |
S, B, V, g, U; r, i, I, V, F, Y |
Saracco |
M003XLSms1 |
red grating |
3h |
Antoniucci |
V1118Ori |
dual grating |
0.3h |
Std GD71 |
GD71 |
dual grating |
in twilight |
01:35 starting sky flat with LBC, too dark for S and F filters, me try B,V too dark.
01:45 slew to standar SA112,
- dofpia
- photometric standard for filters S, B, V, g, U in Blue arm, r, i, I, V, F, Y in Red arm
- seeing 0.8
02:10 slew to Bellazzini N
- dofpia
- copointing
- seeing 0.8
- science ob
02:38 Bellazzini Q
- we stop the integration, stars are elongated (see b=24500, r=24448), we run again dofpia and lbcrangebal, seeing 1.1
- 03:00 run again Bellazzini Q
- seeing 1.4
03:15 Bellazzini O
- copointing
- 3:20 science obs
- seeing 0.8-1.0
03:35 Bellazzini P
- copointing
- 03:40 science obs, stars are elongated we repeat the obs
- dofpia
- 03:57 again science obs
- seeing 1-1.2
04:12 Bellazzini R
- copointing
- 4:15 science obs, stopped at 04:25 coma aberration, we run dofpia
- seeing 0.8
- 4:28 science obs
04:43 we slew to Clementini program,
- Pegasus copointing and dofpia
- 4:51 start science obs with Pegasus_1, then Pisces_1, at 5:04 stars elongated, we run dofpia, alternating obs up to Pegasus_5 and Pisces_5
- the blue channel has some problems, the stars appear elongated also after dofpia
05:55 slewing to standar field SA92, same filter as SA112
06:22 we switch to MODS
06:52 slew to Saracco,
- acqMODs mods.3.xlsms1.acq,
- seeing 1.1
07:07 execMODS mods.3.XLSms1_1.ob
these spectra are good
- seeing 1.1
- third offset wrong due to an initial error in the script (rgo instead of red go), we stop the integration and run the acquisition again because the last offset was carrying the bright star outside the slit
07:54 acqMODS mods.3.xlsms1.acq
08:03 execMODS mods.3.XLSms1_1.ob
- seeing 1
- 08:38 seeing 0.8
09:15 execMODS mods.3.XLSms1_2.ob
- seeing 0.9
10:27 execMODS mods.3.XLSms1_3.ob
these two frames have higher skycounts due to the moon
- seeing 1.1''
11:04 slew to Antoniucci V1118 Ori
- acqMODs v1118ori_ls.acq
11:16 execMODS v1118_ls.obs
mods1.b.20151002.0002-0005; mods1.r.20151002.0023-0026
- stucked integration in the blue after 2 exposures, we gave the two last exposures in blue from the dashboard
12:01 execMODS v1118.img
mods1.b.20151002.0006-0009; mods1.r.20151002.0027-0030
first images target saturated, exp time to 10s
12:11 acqMODs gd71.acq Standard GD71
in twilight
12:19 execMODS gd71.obs
mods1.b.20151002.0010-0012; mods1.r.20151002.0034-0036
12:39 start MODS calibration
- Saracco cal, execMODs
mods1.r.20151002.0037 not good the dome was not closed
- Antoniucci
mods1.b.20151002.0013-0015; mods1.r.20151002.0050-0052
, arc dual grating 0.8
- Antoniucci
mods1.b.20151002.0016-0021; mods1.r.20151002.0053-0058
, flat dual grating 0.8
- execMODS, slitless flat red
- execMODS, arc for red std
- execMODS, flat for red std
- execMODS, flat for imaging of Antoniucci
mods1.b.20151002.0022-0031; mods1.r.20151002.0070-00