INAF queue observing, 2015 Feb 12-13
Observer: F. Cusano, R. Carini
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: Olga Kuhn on call
Instrument: MODS-LBC
At the sunset there are some cirrus and clouds.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Israel A1 |
cats021950 |
dual grating |
2 h |
standard |
Hiltner600 |
dual + red grating |
Saracco B |
red grating |
3 h |
seeing very variable COMPLETED |
Mignoli MOS 20 |
J1411+12 |
red grating |
2 h 30 |
last 15 m bad seeing |
Mignoli LBC MOS20_red |
J1411+12 |
filter z-SLOAN |
30 m |
Mignoli LBC_MOS20_red |
J1411+12 |
filter i-SLOAN |
30 m |
Mignoli LBC_MOS20_red |
J1411+12 |
filter r-SLOAN |
30 m |
Mignoli LBC_MOS20_red |
J1411+12 |
filter z-SLOAN |
24 m |
sky flat LBC |
filter i-SLOAN |
01:32 TO open the dome
02:00 slew to Israel A1
- acqMODS catsj021950_ls.acq
- seeing 1.4"
- the target is not visible, we get another image with exposure time =120 s
. also in this case is not visible
- we get an image with t_exp=160 s
now it is ok
- slit + target
02:32 execMODS catsj021950_ls.obs
mods1r.0008-0010, mods1b.0002-0004
- seeing 1.2", airmass 1.22
- 02:58 seeing 1.0"
- during the exposition of the second image some cirrus have been passed.
- last exposure with poor seeing and half at airmass higher than 1.5 (at the end of the exposure is 1.59)
04:00 we slew to the standard acqMODS Hiltner600.acq
- airmass 1.17
- execMods Hiltner600.obs dual grating
mods1r.0013-0015, mods1b.0005-0007
- red grating
- seeing 1.8"
05:15 slew to Saracco B program
- acqMODS mods.7.RDCSm1.acq
- seeing about 1.4"
- 05:29 we stop the acquisition because the seeing is 3"
- 05:30 seeing 1.3", we continue the acquisition
- 05:33 seeing 1"
05:37 execMODS mods.7.RDCSm1_8.obs
06:08 we try acquisition again, seeing between 1.5" and 3"
* acqMODS mods.7.RDCSm1.acq
06:24 execMODS mods.7.RDCSm1_8.obs
- seeing variable between 1.1" and 1.5"
- during the acquisition the seeing has reached values of 2.3" but also of 0.9" *07:31 seeing is decreasin, now varies between 1.1" and 1.5"
07:36 execMODS mods.7.RDCSm1_9.obs
- seeing 1.2"
- 08:02 seeing stable about 1.2"
08:47 execMODS mods.7.RDCSm1_9.obs
- 09:12 dimm 2.4"
- 09:33 dimm 12"
09:58 slew to Mignoli program MOS20
- acqMODS mods.20..acq
- seeing 1.2"
10:09 dofpia, /first, /X2, /redonly
10:14 execMODS mods.20.1.obs
- run 1_MOS20_z.ob. lbcr.20150213.103113.fits is not good, done during the offset of mods.
- seeing 0.9"
- 10:56 get one more image in the z filter.
11:01 dofpia, /X2, /redonly
11:04 run 2_MOS20_i.ob
- seeing 1"
- 11.13 seeing 0.9"
11:26 execMODS mods.20.2.obs
11:52 dofpia, /X2, /redonly
11:58 run 3_MOS20_r.ob
* seeing 1.0"
12.38 dofpia, /X2, /redonly
12:40 execMODS mods.20.3.obs
12:4 run 4_MOS20_z.ob
*13.13 last frame in twilight
13.20 sky flat in i-SLOAN filter. 3 files are with I-Bessel for mistake
-- %USERSIG{RobertaCarini - 2015-02-13}%