INAF queue observing, 2013 Nov03-Nov04
Observer: M. Fumana, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti
Support Astronomer: H. Khun (on call)
Instrument: (LBC / MODS)
At the sunset heavy clouds in the sky.
Humidity > 98%.
Fauked to observe with mods (one quadrant of red channel is down) and LBC (blue not collimating)
Data Summary
08:16 Humidity drops down.
- The TO opens, to cool down the dome.
08:43 acqMODS mods.macsj0717_mos.acq
08:50 Slit and sky image have the 1st quadrant with not signal
. Redo the acquisition
08:52 acqMODS mods.macsj0717_mos.acq
- again
not valid 1st quadrant
09:01 acqMODS mods.macsj0717_mos.acq
- again
not valid 1st quadrant
09:09 Switch to LBC
09:30 Run 2013B_6_A_copoint.ob
09:42 Communication problem: no images for dofpia
09:43 Run dofpia again
09:49 Communication problem: no images in /newdata available for dofpia
- We call the SA
- dofpia,/backout
- exit
- Bug in the new version of dofpia? The SA re-installed the previous version
10:03 Turn on the camera and connect it to LBT
10:04 Run 2013B_6_A_copoint.ob
- The OB images are in /newdata
- try dofpia now
10:07 dofpia,/first,/X2
- dofpia runs but doesn't converge, defocus to large
- TO clears adaptive optics
- dofpia,/first,/X2,/blueonly
- Blue doesn't converge. Z11+=1000 by hand
10:22 dofpia,/first,/X2,/blueonly
- Huge Mirror temperature gradient and bad seeing are the reasons why the blue does not converge.
- Humidity is raising again. A storm is coming
10:33 TO is closing the dome
MarcoFumana - 04 Nov 2013