INAF queue observing, 2013 Nov02-Nov03
Observer: M. Fumana, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti
Support Astronomer: H. Khun (on call)
Instrument: MODS (LUCI)
At the sunset thin cirrus at the horizon.
Cloud and wind come during the night.
Mismatch ID in the Lardo masks.
Try to observe Israel program. Had to stop due to bad weather conditions
Rain spots after 5:30.
Snow in the second part of the night.
Data Summary
00:30 The TO opens the dome.
01:09 We send the acquisition, even if we are not yet collimated. We want test the grism tilt in LUCI
01:34 test_campoA_K_2.14.spec
01:36 test_campoA_K_2.15.spec
01:39 test_16
- Grism ok using central wavelength 1.6. But 1.6 is bigger than 1.5 of the previous mask. Abort.
01:43 Switch to MODS
02:10 Slew to Lardo
- acqMODS M15RGBf1.acq
- Problem with the mask ID. The MODS slot ID doesn't match the scripts ID
02:42 Slew to Israel 28_A4
- acqMODS catsj204734_ls.acq
02:50 We increase the exposure time in the acquisition image
03:03 No object found in the image. We try to change target
03:06 Slew to Israel 28_A5: acqMODS catsj215447_ls.acq
03:21 execMODS catsj215447_ls.obs
- seeing ~1.2"
- seeing bad ~1.8"-2"
- clouds are coming
- seeing >2.5"
- wind is raising
- script aborted after 3 exposures
- strong forces in the mirror due to the worst seeing
05:12 Close the dome.
MarcoFumana - 03 Nov 2013