INAF queue observing, 2013 Nov 01-Nov 02
Observer: M. Fumana, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti
Support Astronomer: M. Edwards / H. Khun (on call)
Instrument: MODS (LUCI)
At the sunset clear sky.
No MODS available at the beginning of the night.
Three primary mirror panic events during the night
Problem in LUCI grism tilting. We had to skip a high priority program
Data Summary
00:33 The TO opens the dome.
01:04 acquiring Ks sky flats
01:24 Primary mirror in panic! "AAAHAHAHAAHAHAGH!!"
01:49 starting acquisition Cresci 8A
02:03 Primary mirror in panic again! "AAAHAHAHAAHAHAGH!!" ma **^^#@@##@!!
02:18 starting acquisition Cresci 8A
02:33 executeLUCIscript
02:34 Error in the grating unit: error to tilt the grating
02:40 We are not able to stabilize the grating a 2.138
Problem with MODS software control solved.
The weather forecast says it will snow and clouds will come during the next nights.
We try to complete at least some MODS programs.
02:42 Switch to MODS
03:09 FusiPecci _07M: acqMODS acqMODS B27_ls.acq
03:22 execMODS B27_ls_12.obs
- seeing ~1"
- gcs seeing ~1.2"
04:15 FusiPecci _07N: acqMODS B232_ls_PA220.acq
04:27 execMODS MODS B232_ls_13.obs
05:18 FusiPecci _07O: acqMODS B45_ls_PA150.acq
05:32 execMODS B45_ls_14.obs
06:24 FusiPecci _07P: acqMODS MCGC5_ls_PA93.acq
06:37 execMODS MCGC5_ls_15.obs
- seeing ~1.3"
- seeing is raising ~1.4"
- very variable seeing peak of ~1.7"
- in the 3rd exposure seeing is going down ~1.1"
07:36 Because of the seeing in the first exposures, we acquire again 2 frames updating PA in the script.
We also try to use a brighter guiding star
07:37 FusiPecci _07P: acqMODS MCGC5_ls_PA93.acq
06:49 execMODS MCGC5_ls_15.obs
- seeing ~ 1.1-1.2"
- Stop after 2 exposures ==
08:26 We redo
FusiPecci _07I done yesterday with a bad seeing
08:27 FusiPecci _07I: acqMODS B311_ls_PA84.acq
08:33 Left primary mirror has panic
09:16 TO solved problem on the mirror
09:16 Slew to Vanzella
09:22 acqMODS mods.macsj0717_mos.acq
09:41 execMODS mods.macsj0717_mos_3.obs
10:49 execMODS mods.macsj0717_mos_4.obs
11:58 Unwrap the rotator
12:00 acqMODS mods.macsj0717_mos.acq
12:21 execMODS mods.macsj0717_mos_5.obs
- seeing ~1"
- Acquisition aborted after 1 exposure, because of the twilight
12:55 execMODS
13:00 Dome close
MarcoFumana - 02 Nov 2013