INAF queue observing, 2013 Oct 31-Nov01
Observer: M. Fumana, R. Speziali
Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti
Support Astronomer: M. Edwards
Instrument: MODS
At the sunset clear sky.
LUCI not available for most of the night due to an electronic issue.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Fusi Pecci_07 |
07D |
Dual grating |
30min |
Fusi Pecci_07 |
07E |
Dual grating |
30min |
Fusi Pecci_07 |
07F |
Dual grating |
30min |
Fusi Pecci_07 |
07G |
Dual grating |
30min |
Fusi Pecci_07 |
07H |
Dual grating |
30min |
Fusi Pecci_07 |
07I |
Dual grating |
60min |
Bad seeing |
Fusi Pecci_07 |
07L |
Dual grating |
45min |
Vanzella_20 |
macsj0717 |
Dual grating |
2h20min |
large dimm seeing, but gcs seeing ~1.1 |
00:33 The TO opens the dome.
01:17 campoA_mos_210_K_1.spec
- Error: Instrument control: MOS panel
- LUCI is not available. At the moment we don't know if it will be available tomorrow
01:24 Reconfigure for MODS
02:00 Slew to
* acqMODS B218_ls_PA85.acq
* red 1st quadrant corrupted
* through slit image is fine
02:11 execMODS B218_ls_05.obs
02:50 FusiPecci_07E: acqMODS B19_ls_264.acq
03:05 execMODS B19_ls_06.obs
03:42 acqMODS B193_ls.acq
* Error in script eexcution
* Comunication error: push updated button in MODS console and run the script again
04:00 FusiPecci_07F: execMODS B193_ls_07.obs
04:52 FusiPecci_07G: execMODS B224_ls_10.obs
05:30 FusiPecci_07H: acqMODS B179_ls.acq
- faint guiding star (the only one available). We try to collimate on a brighter one
05:43 acqMODS B179_ls.acq
05:55 execMODS B179_ls_08.obs
06:33 FusiPecci_07I: acqMODS B311_ls_PA105.acq
06:45 execMODS B311_ls_09.obs
07:24 Because of the seeing, we run the previous script again execMODS B311_ls_09.obs
- bad seeing ~2.5"
- the last exposure has seeing <1.5"
08:04 FusiPecci_07L: acqMODS B386_ls_PA90.acq
08:06 Bad guide star, modify the script and send it again
08:19 execMODS B386_ls_11.obs
09:15 Standard
09:40 Vanzella_20A acquisition
09:40 mods.macsj0717_mos_1.obs
mods1r 0064-0066
mods1b 0027-0029
11:07 mods.macsj0717_mos_2.obs
mods1r 0067-0069
mods1b 0030-0032
12:15 mods.macsj0717_mos_2.obs
mods1r 0070
mods1b 0031
- aborted after 1 exposure. Twilight reaches at 12h12' - do not consider images #71(R) and #32(B)
00:50 Calibrations
- ID523456 flats
mods1r 0072-0073
mods1b 0035-0036
- ID523456 lamps
mods1r 0074==0076
mods1b 0037-0039
MarcoFumana - 01 Nov 2013