Observer: Arcidiacono,C, Boutsia, K, (INAF), D.Miller (LBTO)
Telescope Operator:Bechetti G
SW Support:
AO Support: D.Miller
Telescope Support: Kevin
Instrument Support:
07:45UT - humidity at 95% and clouds on the all sky camera - the dome closed
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Cusano |
659668577 |
Ks,J |
1080s, 1800s |
COMPLETED - we also took some extra sky frames off-target because there were many fainter stars around the central object |
Bongiorno |
IRAS_18368 |
Ks |
9min |
we lost 1 hr because of problems to the AOS (IsTr 4861/4862) and we did not manage to get a separate PSF calibrator - nevertheless we tried to keep the AOref star in the FOV in case it could be used for the PSF |
Bongiorno |
NGC1068 |
Ks |
10m |
we managed to obtain sky in Ks but not the PSF calibrator - the target is not saturated - during this project we had to close the dome for humidity |
12:35 Start K flats - 90s - high/low
01:31 Slew for pointing and collimation
01:48 we slew to CUS_659668577- we are facing the wind
- the shell ripped - problems with the autogain
- set the shell and try one more time
02:00 loop closed
- windspeed = 10m/s - on the adsec:5m/s
- mag of the ref star on the AO guider R=15.6
02:06 dither pattern in KJJK - 30s both
02:23 dither pattern in KJJK - with longer exptimes
03:06 we tried to offset for the sky frames but the script gave error
- we sent the preset in TRACK mode
- seeing ~1.2"-1.5"
03:25 Slew to Bongiorno IRAS_18368
- preset failed - no stars found in TVframe - AO bias level need to be adjusted??
- we send an aquire preset - we don't fing the AO ref
- the TO adjusts the pointing
- after an aquire preset with the AO as GS and TS, we see the AO ref star on the guider
- we try with a different guide star
- it worked with RS=37 and TS=37 - we will try to manually center the field on the source
- there is a problem with the camera lens - it is offset one pixel higher - we tried to manually center it but the AO loop opened
03:49 send preset again - this time with RS=37 and TS=0
- before sending the preset DLM has manually set the position of the camera lens
- we move the stage to the opposite direction
- no easy way to fix this - we proceed with TS=37 and will offset field to center the target
04:00 preset succeded - we try to manually center the target
- the AO failed 3 times during 5-10" offsets and we had to repeat the preset each time
04:24 preset again after AO loop opened
- the AO loop opened again - DLM is writting an issue track (4861)
04:41 the last preset just closed the AO loop
- we center the source that is visible on the right and we hope is the correct one
04:50 start dither pattern, where we have in the field the target and the AO ref so that it can be used as a PSF calibrator
- safe skip - the AO loop opened during a 0.5" offset with the camera lens OFF!!
- we give up on this target
05:00 we obtain some sky frames before slewing to the next target
pisces.20131015.10122.fits - .10127.fits
05:14 We slew to NGC1068
- while it is doing runAO - we realize that it is not using the proper flat ...
- the shell ripped
*05:38 shell set - load proper flat - send preset again
- seeing is terrible - DIMM 2.3"
- safe skip - recover failled - AO loop open
05:50 send preset again - the AO reg
06:02 send preset again and we manually change the autogain to prevent the loop from opening
06:17 dither pattern in K
06:26 dither pattern sky in Ks while setting the shell
06:33 preset again!!
06:59 the loop failed after we changed the filter to H2
- while setting the shell and before doing the new preset we obtain sky for the Ks band
07:09 send preset to do H2 filter
07:17 dither pattern in H2
07:19 the loop is open - max skipped reached
07:20 slewing for the PSF star for N1068- since the humidity is rising and we might close down soon
- the loop opened - the star on the AOS did not have the correct mag anyway
- taking some more sky in Ks
07:34 we don't find the star in track mode - correct pointing
- clouds are coming in - the all sky camera is full of clouds
- we see the star and we center it on the guider
- humidity 94% and clouds!!!
07:42 send track preset with the PSF star - there is no proper guide star for the PA allowed by Pisces
- the star is very variable in flux probably because of the clouds
- if this fails, we will go to an AO star
- nothing to do - the star is not visible
07:45 95% humidity!! - the TO closes the dome!
08:40 obtain darks - 120s,90s,60s,30s,5s,3s,2s,1s,0.8s
- correct ones are from
pisces.20131015.10346.fits - pisces.20131015.10535.fits
- there are some frames that don't have the correct header
KonstantinaBoutsia - 15 Oct 2013