INAF queue observing, 2013 Sep 25-26
Observer: E. Sani, F. Cusano
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzales-Huerta
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LUCI
MODS1 is currently not available due to problems with the red CCD electronics.
At sunset we have to remain closed due to strong wind.
At the beginning of the observations the sky is clear.
At 5.00 UT we need to close the dome due to strong wind. When the TO tries to open again, the left door turns to be stuck. We need to call J. Urban.
The left door problem was solved, but wind gusts increased again. The TO closed the dome.
Data Summary
03:16 the TO opens the dome
03:50 slewing to telluric standard of Cresci
executeLUCI tell2B_mos.acq
(we are using the N3.75 camera for the acquisition)
04:00 executeLUCI tellB_mos_210_K1.spec
(too bright, move to another standard)
04:07 executeLUCI tellB_mos.acq
04:12 executeLUCI tellB_mos_210_K1.spec
04:16 slewing to the target Cresci_B (seeing 0.85")
executeLUCI campoB_mos.acq
04:32 executeLUCI campoB_mos_210_K_4.spec
- average seeing is 0.8 on the GCS
04:55 the TO closes the dome because of the strong wind
07.40 the TO opens the dome
- the left door is stuck, we need to call J. Urban
08.35 We tried to acquire the standard but there were again strong wind gusts. The TO close the dome
EleanoraSani - 26 Sep 2013