INAF queue observing, 2013 June 14-15
Observer: F. Cusano, M. Fumana
Telescope Operator: G. Becchetti
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn (on call)
Instrument: MODS
At the sunset heavy clouds. Sky almost covered, in the North direction only thin cirrus.
Around 3.30UT sky looks better.
Slight chance of storm.
We open the dome an hour later because of the whether conditions.
Until 8.30UT exposures are good. Around ~8.50 we had a problem of communication and we were not guiding.
We solved the problem, but clouds came.
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Filter |
ExpTime |
Notes |
Sommariva_31 |
1625-2648 |
Blue grating |
3.5h |
0011 exposure no guiding |
Standard |
bd+24 |
Dual grating |
Israel |
Cats191043 |
Dual grating |
~0.3h |
Sky brightness raised |
Start using MODS
04:55 Dome opened
05:04 acqMODS n1625.acq
05:17 execMODS n1625_13.obs
- seeing ~0.9"
- Sky is almost clear now
06:22 execMODS n1625_14.obs
07:26 execMODS n1625_15.obs
08:31 execMODS n1625_16.obs
- seeing 1.2
- WFS problem. 1st exposure stopped after 1680s
- In the second part (~10min) of this exposure we are tracking, but we are not guiding
09:02 Clear active optics
- send preset again . acqMODS n1625.acq. Failed
- Communication problem
- Reset MODS agw. Restored communication
09:14 acqMODS n1625.acq
09:23 execMODS n1625_16.obs
- clouds are coming. Still guiding
*09:57 Switch to Israel. Standard
- acqMODS bd+24.acq
- Adjust offset by hand Dx=-1.59, Dy=-1.0, exptime=3s
10:10 execMODS bd+24.obs
*10:20*acqMODS cats191043.acq
10:30 execMODS cats191043.obs blue
, red
- Stop 1st exposure after 1117s (sky brightness is raising)
11:10 Dome closed
MarcoFumana - 15 Jun 2013